Closer look on 3 cards that will be shown on 3 diffirent bookstore on feb 27th

    Anonymous February 12, 2016 6:24 am

    LOL @ Asami. He looks so terrible out of place and silly for once hahahahah. Thanks for sharing here!

    Anonymous February 12, 2016 6:25 am

    terribly* out of place

    Anonymous February 12, 2016 12:27 pm

    Asami just looks weird but Akihito looks cute AF!! Kyaa~~~!

    J Unleashed February 12, 2016 4:51 pm

    Somewhere, I thought I read something about "dress up dolls"as part of the edition, so maybe this is an ad for that? I don't know. Maybe I misunderstood. All three have them in identical poses though.

    Aoki Kurokawa February 12, 2016 5:57 pm

    Asami's clothes are so different from what we're used to see : He's most of the time in his formal suit.
    Looking his face, we have the impression he misses the point or he feels uneasy. But it's fun XD ! Thanks for sharing.

    eworth February 12, 2016 7:22 pm
    Somewhere, I thought I read something about "dress up dolls"as part of the edition, so maybe this is an ad for that? I don't know. Maybe I misunderstood. All three have them in identical poses though. J Unleashed

    There was a cropped image of shirtless Asami on Yamane Ayano's twitter that matches the pose in those three cards.

    Anonymous February 12, 2016 8:35 pm
    There was a cropped image of shirtless Asami on Yamane Ayano's twitter that matches the pose in those three cards. eworth

    In that case, I would guess the twitter picture is the base layer for the dress up dolls being released with the special.

    J Unleashed February 12, 2016 9:12 pm
    There was a cropped image of shirtless Asami on Yamane Ayano's twitter that matches the pose in those three cards. eworth

    Thanks eworth!

    So... there's a nekkid, ready-to-use Asami available in there somewhere... Ψ(`▽´)Ψ

    eworth February 12, 2016 9:29 pm
    Thanks eworth! So... there's a nekkid, ready-to-use Asami available in there somewhere... Ψ(`▽´)Ψ J Unleashed

    The possibilities are mind boggling.

    J Unleashed February 12, 2016 9:59 pm

    Yep. 1001 ways to violate the image of Asami.

    Thanks for the Libre links, Pipi970 ^^