I relate to this but the uke is too much.

That_bitch March 2, 2021 9:18 am

Um so the thing is I’ve been crying a lot over this story and i can see why it reminds me of stuff I thought have ended in my mind even if they’re not completely done in reality but the uke is getting on my nerves he makes me feel extremely weak even though I’m not and that really unreasonable yes it’s true that you feel over powered but you try to not to . The use is a coward in my opinion if I had so many chances to leave I would’ve done it from the first time . I would’ve left I feel like the uke isn’t taking what he’s going through seriously and it’s just opens up a lot of things it reminds me of my mind set at 6 he really really is a coward. And if someone tries to explain the actions of the abuser it’s fucking disgusting if you do that u disgust me . We get that he’s being manipulated but manipulation doesn’t explain physical abuse he could do anything else .

    That_bitch March 2, 2021 9:20 am

    I’m sorry if their are spelling mistakes I’m sleepy and English isn’t my first language-

    ii_kinglazy_ii March 2, 2021 9:40 am

    I totally agree and we should stop constantly giving excuses for Nian Nian too. He is responsible, he is doing this to himself when he has MORE than enough power from his father to leave.

    The story basically only uses him as a pity ploy, if Nian Nian chooses to convince his father to stop business with the Gu Group then Yansheng would have to regret it because we know they're important.

    People feel the need to be overly caring for him, but realistically we should not react with like "uwu, they're not responsible at all". Yes Yansheng is the abuser and he holds 1000% for that, but Nian Nian goes back, time and time, and time again, so we should hold him responsible too.

    That_bitch March 2, 2021 9:45 am
    I totally agree and we should stop constantly giving excuses for Nian Nian too. He is responsible, he is doing this to himself when he has MORE than enough power from his father to leave.The story basically onl... ii_kinglazy_ii

    Exactly he should just leave and stop romanticizing the abuser he has someone that would do anything for him and he chose a piece of shit over him-