(Spoilers kinda?)
Honestly I think as a character he does have toxic tendencies as you mentioned but they are explored perfectly in this story. We know arhad respects Ianna and knows she is a capable, as seen before, so we know he doesn’t look down on her.
We can also say much of his jealousy and possession is the result of their past life and Ianna always being out of his reach and almost against him, how he had to watch that despite knowing her since thousands of years before that when they were gods. I think that goes for the same as the gentlemen thing, arhad doesn’t always step in to look cool and doubt Ianna; he’s paranoid. Extremely paranoid because this is the only time in his huge lifespan things are going well; and he’s desperate to keep it. The author doesn’t make this out to be cute and loveable, instead having Ianna as the mc is the PERFECT way to explore this because Ianna openly states and reminds him its not okay and she’s not taking bs from anyone. If she was more quiet and reluctant I wouldn’t be reading this. I love this story because it combines a toxic man with good intentions and an awesome badass woman to fight those toxic traits and honestly they make each other healthier :)

since i’m still fairly new to seeing them interact (since he was avoiding her for a little) there hasn’t been much of her saying no, just her being really confused when he steps in like when she said “he must really like cutting food?” but since you said she stands her ground i’m definitely gonna continue. And for sure since she was so “i won’t join you because i want to beat you” in her previous life it definitely makes sense that he’s so cautious. tyyyy!

yeah he's very toxic but I like that the toxicity isn't romantized (?)
like yeah he's toxic but in their previous life she was trying to beat him, and in the gods era he was the devil and was like insanely obsessed with her, and she apparently stabbed him so well, i get it, it's a complex relationship, and she stands for herself so I'm not worried
it's not like they are regular highschoolers and she's a soft girl
ofc i see bad traits on him, but i think he's meant to be like that, the autor did that on purpose, it's part of the plot and it's kinda interesting
but tbh i wish character development for him soon, if things keeps like this zzzz

I understand your frustration there. I'm not too bothered by it, because Ianna still seems to be the one who calls the shots in the relationship, and because I haven't experienced that kind of behavior myself. But yeah, I think we're often attracted to the idea of a possisive and obsessive character, because of the perceived intensity of the emotions, and the idea that someone would go great leanghts for you is pleasant. I think that's why I like Arhad. But in reality I know it's more about the person than it is about you, and jealous and possessiveness are not proof of love, even if they're sometimes related. If Ianna wasn't such a powerful character herself, I think I would have hated him too.
i’m trying so hard to read this (i’m on chapter 101) because i love the mc, the plot, her friends, the world building, the art, etc... but i don’t like arhad. at all. i’m sorry but he bothers me so much. every time he shows up i just want to punch him. there’s just little things that get on my nerves (probably because i’ve had to deal with it so much in my life). 1.) the little jealous moments bother me. i understand he likes her but it’s not like they’re even dating so he can feel scared of “losing her” (even then i don’t think jealousy is warranted when they’re not giving you a reason to be jealous) but i tell myself that since he doesn’t act on it too much i can deal with it. and 2.) the whole i’m a gentleman thing where he steps in to “do things for her” when she’s never asked him to bothers me. i know he likes her and it’s probably a way for him to convey his feeling but it bothers the shit out of me. some might see it as a nice thing but i’ve had to deal with this bs my whole life where a man steps in to help me because he likes me or he thinks it’s the gentleman thing to do. i understand he doesn’t mean it in this way but it feels like being lessened and dumbed down. i also know she’s not fazed by it (granted she’s a fictional character controlled by the author so she really had no opinion) but every time he does it i wanna send him soaring. i’m gonna continue reading because i love this story so much but i’m hoping he grows on me as the story goes on (everyone seems to like him so he has to have some qualities that outweigh my hate for him).