I Can't Continue This

tamago March 2, 2021 3:53 am

Before I share my thoughts I dont have an issue for psychological themes or deep subjects, I personally believe the story just didn't do it well. Also I know this is just a manhwa, if anything all my concerns go towards the writer than the manhwa itself. This is my 3rd time trying to read this story and I still have a hard time finishing it. I got to chapter 55 and just couldn't handle reading about any of the characters anymore.

Although I don't agree to hate on the Uke for sleeping around and the fear of facing his abuse, if you've read other comments he uses it as a coping mechanism (better explained in other comments). I do agree that he is a poorly written character. He is a victim of the story but did everyone just forget about his disrespectful actions solely because he is a victim? Didn't he cheat on his first boyfriend out of jealousy, did everyone just forget that???
Both semes were also just strange. Although Yujin was not as horrible as Hyun (Ex boyfriend) he still wasn't that great of a character either, towards the progression of the story. Yujin in the beginning was actually an interesting character, but as soon as he accepted the threesome I just lost all respect. He participated in r*pe, there is no room for question here.

Finally because I can't speak on the rest of the story I will state my argument on its "realism". In which I disagree for those who believe this is realistic in any way. If I'm being totally honest while reading this story it was kind of an extreme r*pe fantasy which is why its such an unsettling read.
Abuse just doesn't randomly occur and nobody just becomes randomly violent such as Hyun was. Their was no story or "realism" for why this occurs, it just does because he is jealous? (I'm honestly not very sure)
The Uke took aspects of someone who's dealing with trauma, but only aspects which is why most of his actions, decisions, personality, etc, don't necessarily add up or make sense, you kinda have to try and piece things together yourself.
I already talked about Yujin but yes he was great and felt raw, however I also agree with some comments saying rather than love it could be intense admiration, obsession, or even just an unhealthy relationship in general.
Also does everyone just not have a job anymore lol, wasn't the Uke a celebrity?

Lastly thank you if you've taken the time to read my opinion and I hope we can all be civil and respectful. I don't hate those who enjoyed the story, to each their own. I just hope people can think twice before fetishizing rape and knowing the difference between fiction and reality, as well as knowing the right stories to support, because supporting harmful ideas/stories could lead people to believe that whatever they can write/draw is okay.
I know this is an intense opinion but I hope everyone understands where I'm coming from.

    Ouranaurora May 13, 2021 3:23 am

    Sooo true and the ex even said he would be just as bad as him if he took part in the treesome rape and he still did

    Ouranaurora May 13, 2021 3:25 am

    People also forget that the uke being traumatized doesnt excuse his actions. I felt bad for him, but he literally managed to turn both his ex and yujin toxic. Like why would he even cheat on a guy who was treating him nicely? Im note excusing his actions, he wouldnt be a nice guy if he was able to do it, but the uke is toxic as well. The seme was so sweet at the beginning but then he starts raping the uke too. Its like he lost his shit after having to deal with the uke having sex with other man right in front of him

    tamago May 13, 2021 7:10 am
    Sooo true and the ex even said he would be just as bad as him if he took part in the treesome rape and he still did Ouranaurora

    Yes exactly!

    tamago May 13, 2021 7:11 am
    People also forget that the uke being traumatized doesnt excuse his actions. I felt bad for him, but he literally managed to turn both his ex and yujin toxic. Like why would he even cheat on a guy who was treat... Ouranaurora

    I totally agree, thanks for bringing this to light!

    _peachy_idiot May 19, 2021 3:58 pm
    People also forget that the uke being traumatized doesnt excuse his actions. I felt bad for him, but he literally managed to turn both his ex and yujin toxic. Like why would he even cheat on a guy who was treat... Ouranaurora


    Rin April 23, 2024 10:24 am

    Omg exactly, thank God someone said this. People always are biased towards victims and excuse all of their wrong actions, even deliberate ones. I said this in another comment too but about Hyun, Yeah, it's complicated. Even abusing him once/the first time, when he saw him cheating was wrong in itself but, if he had not been so excessive...like he literally smashed his head and raped him violently....that was waaaay over the line( and it's unrealistic for him to become like that suddenly as you pointed out)..... While I say that please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying a lighter violence might've been a justified response but let's not be bigots...if a man cheats and his gf/wife slaps him once or twice or scratches his face.., people support her like, "you go girl..all cheater should die etc" , so I'm saying in that sense that maybe if Hyun had slapped him once and said, " I know you're kinda broken, sorry about that but I'm still disappointed, we were supposed to be in a relationship, and we committed a responsibility to each other while being in our right minds, BREAK UP" , then I think it would've been quite understandable as a humane response. Then if people blamed him for even a couple of slaps after getting cheated on so graphically where Shiwoo is literally rubbing it in his face (no matter what his reasons are), then they're just hypocrites. I mean ideally, any person should not even touch their cheater partners and just move on but we're all not ideal, we're humans, with emotions and when we feel hurt and angry if we're cheated on so cruelly, so I wonder how many of these people would just walk away from their cheater partners without even giving them a hard slap?? I don't think many would be able to be that ideal. So that much is to be expected I think. But but but, that should've been IT, no more, walk way. Hyun Instead of doing that, just transformed himself into a monster, a Sadist and felt gratification out of it and that is what the author has planned for him to be like coz eventually a path for Yujin had to be created. And it's ironical how Hyun who was wronged just a couple of times in the past of the story becomes the means to constantly wrong Yujin , the new ml in majority of the story, atleast until the chapter where he himself takes part in the threesome. I really appreciate your take btw, it's sadly rare.