ahm hi I just want to ask cuz I'm about to read this now uhm I'm just curious if Beatrice ...

reenz March 1, 2021 7:46 pm

ahm hi I just want to ask cuz I'm about to read this now uhm I'm just curious if Beatrice and that shorty have... uhm did something happen between them? huhu I cant take it if ever huhu the dlfirst chapter said he was her husband right? omg

    lave March 1, 2021 8:46 pm

    hiya! rest assured there was nothing between them from what can be inferred, it most likely was an arranged marriage with no love as clearly the husband, well former, betrayed his wife. i hope this clears things up. <3

    Lycanscor March 1, 2021 8:48 pm

    I am sure that pig tried to force himself on her. it's a different matter was ge able to do it or not... with his little pinky thingy.

    reenz March 2, 2021 6:28 am
    hiya! rest assured there was nothing between them from what can be inferred, it most likely was an arranged marriage with no love as clearly the husband, well former, betrayed his wife. i hope this clears thing... lave

    really? like promise there's nothing as in nothing happen between them? ahhh pls2x make it clear cuz I really badly want to kill that bastard ahh I want to torture him fadge

    reenz March 2, 2021 6:29 am
    I am sure that pig tried to force himself on her. it's a different matter was ge able to do it or not... with his little pinky thingy. Lycanscor

    oh my I hope so... cuz if ever I want to cut it so many times fuck him

    Lycanscor March 2, 2021 7:07 pm
    oh my I hope so... cuz if ever I want to cut it so many times fuck him reenz

    there is just few sketches of him hitting her and abusing her. but you will not see anything erotic

    reenz March 2, 2021 8:00 pm
    there is just few sketches of him hitting her and abusing her. but you will not see anything erotic Lycanscor

    Thanks a lot but I still want to rip that asstardds freaking head sorry

    Lycanscor March 2, 2021 8:05 pm
    Thanks a lot but I still want to rip that asstardds freaking head sorry reenz

    don't be... I want to do worse to him.