I'm getting a little bit piss about something I dont know but I'm certain I'm not fond abo...

reenz March 1, 2021 6:25 pm

I'm getting a little bit piss about something I dont know but I'm certain I'm not fond about the prince becoming the end game pls can someone tell me who is the ML cuz I badly really hope it is The green haired boy is it Alendis? sorry I forgot his name cuz I'm nearing to stop reading this huhu but if the story will be good on the way it's fine but it's more than be good if she end up with no one hehe arrrggg sorry and thank u in advance huhu pls tell me guys

    Mokona44 March 1, 2021 7:11 pm


    The ML is the Crown Prince and the story is almost finished. So, yep, sadly the manhwa decided to follow the novel after all. Too bad.

    reenz March 1, 2021 7:16 pm

    oh my freaking goodness huhu... is it still worth it to read? arrrggg its frustrating me huhu

    Mokona44 March 1, 2021 7:21 pm
    oh my freaking goodness huhu... is it still worth it to read? arrrggg its frustrating me huhu reenz

    I hated the story starting from the middle of it so for me no. But if you want to look at the raws to see where it is going here is a link:


    reenz March 1, 2021 7:37 pm
    I hated the story starting from the middle of it so for me no. But if you want to look at the raws to see where it is going here is a link: https://tkor.icu/%EB%B2%84%EB%A6%BC-%EB%B0%9B%EC%9D%80-%ED%99%A9%EB%B9... Mokona44

    oh did u drop it? if u do I will not continue hehe

    Mokona44 March 1, 2021 7:51 pm
    oh did u drop it? if u do I will not continue hehe reenz

    I kept supporting the manhwa for Ina, because I love this artist' art style and wish to see it in better adaptations. And also for hatred of unfinished things. So it's kindda being in a weird toxic relationship. Want to go but can't bring myself to.

    reenz March 1, 2021 8:06 pm
    I kept supporting the manhwa for Ina, because I love this artist' art style and wish to see it in better adaptations. And also for hatred of unfinished things. So it's kindda being in a weird toxic relationship... Mokona44

    oh I see... thanks for all the info u gave me... I'll just wait for it to be completed first to know the ending... I hope u have a nice day thanks a lot