Looking for a manga.

Yu-chan February 9, 2016 8:45 pm

Hi ! Long ago I had started to read this shoujo about an ugly girl that (after a bad joke I think) had decided to take her revenge by becoming beautiful and being "hateful" with those that had hurted her.
The manga follow her through her life and love shit.
I remember that she had betrayed the guy that had help her becoming beautiful for another boy.
If I'm not too confuse, I think that she had a beautiful name that complexed her cause it was weird that she was named this way when she was that ugly...
The name of the manga was "Ma..." something and was quite long.

When I read it first, my english wasn't good enough for me to understand so I had kind of gave up on him but now that it got better I really wanna read it once again.
Thanks alot to the one that'll help me :D
