Okay, am I the only one who didn't like the ML here? Leos basically ordered Susie to give ...

Anonymous March 1, 2021 12:53 pm

Okay, am I the only one who didn't like the ML here? Leos basically ordered Susie to give up her job and marry him so she could be a full time live-at-home mom - with absolutely no regard to asking for her opinions or listening to her feelings. (pgs. 114-115) Not even 2 pages before that he had even said what an earnest person she is. Earlier in the story (pg. 36) he had also said that he wanted her to become part of the administration for his company because she was smart and hard-working.

But in the end, as soon as he found out she had given birth to his own child, obviously none of that mattered anymore. This is textbook mysogyny - as well as hypocrisy, since he didn't care if she kept working and earning her own money as long as he thought her child was someone elses's. Actually, he also just used her for his own agenda - Susie knew from her prior relationship with him that Leos doesn't approve of working women (pg. 41-42).

So yeah, in reality this is (sadly) still one of the better Harlequins out there, in that the ML wasn't a complete manipulative, raping, blackmailing, etc. jerk - but he is still trash. I will definitely admit that this is one of the better Harlequin stories - but no way is it the best; and it's sad that there is such a low bar for "good" Harlequins.
