But the first dialogue with the butler is rather explicit : he has lots of experience, and « that one » works too well to let go or just be a sponsor
- he « needs » her, that is not romantic, sure … but what they are talking about all along is « bargains « ?
He’s also dutifully does what he’s supposed too : he provides everything, … including extra companionship -
that’s definitely not values we understand
Morality makes it hard to purely exchange « transactions/bargains « involving intimacy , so the exchange of words is painted with sweet colors ?
But maybe it’s also very complicated for these men : they obviously need to bargain, and … they need to share ! they have no right to oppose, they can also only hope to receive feelings, or reciprocity … because they have no say to what their partners does
How do you deal with that ?
It’s not like she’s fair with him too - she throw herself at him, tell him he’s special … and the next minute, find another (one that he happens to hate !)
She wants exclusive lovers, but has no plan to do the same, then he proposes … and she live him hanging …
The cheating part is hilarious : she can sleep with anyone, but he can’t ?
He’s expected to be faithful and honest, while she’s entirely selfish and rather indifferent too ? How about how he might feel ?
It’s as bad as earth « polygamy « which is really a polygyny, in most situations
So maybe we should ask women who are victims of these paradigm : two different set of rules and rights , where one has all freedom, and the other, the right to deal with the results whether they like it or not
« Unfair doesn’t breed beauty, trust or happiness for all in any places or any world…
I can't look at Aivan the same way ya'll