the seme's mean but iljo did kiss him w/o consent while he was sleeping and is kind of a b...

ave March 1, 2021 1:49 am

the seme's mean but iljo did kiss him w/o consent while he was sleeping and is kind of a burden even if he doesnt mean to be . seme is being a lot more forgiving and helpful than a lot of us would be rly he just has to add a dash of mean for flavor

    Danieka March 1, 2021 11:57 am

    A burden? The seme is literally the one who invited him to live with him and then took initiative to take care of him (loosely I use that phrase) causing him to lose his jobs and sending mixed signals. The poor kid wasn’t socialized and just lost the only person to ever treat him like a human and so he gave him a confused PECK it’s not like he was forceful or even went as far as to rape him like most tropes. Yes consent is important but I’m sure he’s done nothing to warrant being treated like shit.

    ave March 1, 2021 5:51 pm
    A burden? The seme is literally the one who invited him to live with him and then took initiative to take care of him (loosely I use that phrase) causing him to lose his jobs and sending mixed signals. The poor... Danieka

    seme's acting kind bc he feels kinda obligated too,, iljo doesnt have to ask for anything to be a burden, even w the seme doing it of his own free will its burdensome, just one hes decided to take on. and its not even the fact that boo wahhh kiss without consent. it for sure made the seme uncomfortable and its not like there are really mixed signals. iljo even admitted he'd fall for any kindness. the seme never suggested anything more imo. i get you cant blame iljo for his lack of socialization but i feel like you cant blame the seme either here?? the only time seme was just blatantly mean to him was in high school (unless i forgot smth. which is likely) in a sort of attempt to not send mixed signals? the rest reads more like pity to me

    Danieka March 1, 2021 9:30 pm

    No I agree there’s not really any blame for either because they are just literally the worst pairing. An unsocialized ostracized character that was so mistreated he literally falls for any kindness and a cold pretty shit personality character that can’t communicate in a non hateful way it seems. And I do believe there’s a mixed message because he literally told the uke to get out and the uke is like “sorry I just fall for kindness because I’m affection starved” and the seme proceeds to start doing “nice” things for him when the uke literally said it’ll lead him on. Does that make a bit more sense of where I’m coming from?

    ave March 1, 2021 11:12 pm
    No I agree there’s not really any blame for either because they are just literally the worst pairing. An unsocialized ostracized character that was so mistreated he literally falls for any kindness and a cold... Danieka

    i see what you mean! but i still don't think its the seme's intention yknow. like when iljo said that he falls for any kindness and the seme thought it must've been terrible to grow up without any affection which makes me think his actions are just pity. especially with the seme ending the chap talking about how he should start dating specifically so iljo won't get the wrong idea anymore. i just think its unfair for everyone to act like the seme's the sole problem when they just aren't a good fit !

    Danieka March 2, 2021 10:03 am
    i see what you mean! but i still don't think its the seme's intention yknow. like when iljo said that he falls for any kindness and the seme thought it must've been terrible to grow up without any affection whi... ave

    No no I agree bad fit!! I don’t think he did it intentionally I just meant he confirmed that affection starved uke would have feelings if treated even a little okay and then proceeded to treat him nicer than before. So he didn’t go out of his way or have the intent but his actions were kind of a common sense thing? But your side makes sense too!! :)