
I am your girlfriend now March 1, 2021 12:16 am

this is going with the "hey lets find something sexist and make it into plot" aesthetic.

It's just sex, chill bro. There is no need for her to turn into a child that will die in 3 years

    Mina April 24, 2021 10:29 pm

    It’s ancient China what did you expect? That’s how things were back then

    Evie (JAYFG/IAYGFN) April 25, 2021 1:58 pm
    It’s ancient China what did you expect? That’s how things were back then Mina

    This is a modern piece, I would hope that it would have some standards.

    Plus, are you seriously going to go with realism when this is a story where a girl got yeeted into another universe/dimension thingy?

    The people have green, pink, silver hair. Red eyes. They can do some weird magic like thing.

    I don't think that the ancient china used to be like that....