Ugh, he can go fuck himself!!!

Lovely Angel 15 February 28, 2021 5:40 pm

I was going to comment that he makes me uncomfortable while reading chapter 13. Then I read the Spanish raws in comments. WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU COLLOSAL FUCKING CREEPY BASTARD?!?! Does the FL really have to end up with this asshole?! Where is he even planning to go with this plan?! This is a fucking disaster! Win her love you damn bastard! Or are you just a possessive crazy son of a bi- (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Un_holy_confessions February 28, 2021 5:44 pm

    Whoa whoa spill the tea!!

    Loveiswar02 February 28, 2021 6:02 pm
    Whoa whoa spill the tea!! Un_holy_confessions

    Spoiler alert!!!!
    So basically, after she ran away because of the wanted criminal posters, she has twins. A pink haired, golden eyed son and a black haired, blue eyed daughter. But he shows up in her dreams again when she was putting her child back in the crib. She accidentally said both of their names, so now he definitely knows that they are safely born. Since the dreams only happen when he's nearby, she has to run away again with 2 children. (even though everyone in the village was so nice!) The shadowy guys find a straw doll so that's also a proof. Then timeskip, the kids have grown a bit (adorable af!!!) . The FL has been living peacefully in a beautiful home. There is even a guy who flirts with her. When her kids get attacked by a boar monster, she defeats it easily but hides her strength. Then when she goes to the town bar alone, she has a dream. The imperial bastard is near again and being a creepy asshole as usual. The shadow guys break into her home (she's not there) and kidnaps her kids to bring them to him. Red haired guy is also there. The kids are naturally terrified. He is such an arrogant creep! He just keeps on chasing her like she belongs to him or something!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Foxy February 28, 2021 6:12 pm
    Spoiler alert!!!!............So basically, after she ran away because of the wanted criminal posters, she has twins. A pink haired, golden eyed son and a black haired, blue eyed daughter. But he shows up in her... Loveiswar02

    Aahhhh i want to see the babieessss ┗( T﹏T )┛but wtf is wrong that so creepy as hell, it became chase and run. The emperor is meh, it sucks if she really end up with him

    Un_holy_confessions February 28, 2021 6:26 pm

    Whoa I see! Thanks for the spoiler c: and wow yeah ur right he hella creepy

    Un_holy_confessions February 28, 2021 6:26 pm
    Whoa I see! Thanks for the spoiler c: and wow yeah ur right he hella creepy Un_holy_confessions

    Do u think he lost his virginity to her?! Being like that makes me think so lol

    Piper February 28, 2021 6:37 pm
    Spoiler alert!!!!............So basically, after she ran away because of the wanted criminal posters, she has twins. A pink haired, golden eyed son and a black haired, blue eyed daughter. But he shows up in her... Loveiswar02

    It's almost as if he's a... Tyrant. XD thank you for the spoiler, I'm going to try and find the raws now!

    Redhead February 28, 2021 8:11 pm
    It's almost as if he's a... Tyrant. XD thank you for the spoiler, I'm going to try and find the raws now! Piper

    well the title already state he is a tyrant lol

    Piper February 28, 2021 9:41 pm
    well the title already state he is a tyrant lol Redhead

    Yay! You got the reference!

    DripDetectorTay March 1, 2021 1:17 pm
    Do u think he lost his virginity to her?! Being like that makes me think so lol Un_holy_confessions

    How does him losing his virginity to her correlate to him being a tyrant fucktard?

    Un_holy_confessions March 1, 2021 2:08 pm
    How does him losing his virginity to her correlate to him being a tyrant fucktard? DripDetectorTay

    Because there are people who wanna hold on to the person whom took there virginity. So I'm saying he might be one of those

    LaNansha March 1, 2021 2:11 pm
    Spoiler alert!!!!............So basically, after she ran away because of the wanted criminal posters, she has twins. A pink haired, golden eyed son and a black haired, blue eyed daughter. But he shows up in her... Loveiswar02

    The kids belong to him too, though. So why exactly should he stop chasing her?

    Loveiswar02 March 1, 2021 2:24 pm
    The kids belong to him too, though. So why exactly should he stop chasing her? LaNansha

    I- Excuse me? Kids aren't property. They don't just 'belong' to him just because he is blood related. And their mother doesn't even want to be with him, yet he is actively chasing her and even kidnapping her children! She had to escape alone while she was expecting and then right after she delivered her babies. Isn't this basically harassment?! And she naturally isn't going to trust him because this fucker executed every single woman who ever liked him. That's just terrifying. They weren't even in a relationship nor did he ever confess his love. He isn't even pulling the "I will take responsibility" card. He's just a possessive, creepy douchebag. ( ̄へ ̄)

    LaNansha March 1, 2021 2:38 pm
    I- Excuse me? Kids aren't property. They don't just 'belong' to him just because he is blood related. And their mother doesn't even want to be with him, yet he is actively chasing her and even kidnapping her c... Loveiswar02

    ... I really don’t get what you’re trying to say. “They don’t just belong to him because he’s blood related.” But they do???!!!! The F???!! When children are born, they belong to both their parents unless said parents give them up. So now what? She gets to decide whether or not he can see his own kids? In current time, acts like one parent keeping the other parent from their children are already cruel AF, unless the parent has proven to be unfit. But in the time period of this manga where they’re actually the emperor’s kids? It might be harsh, but she IS in fact committing treason.

    Sorry, but the moment you said that first sentence, I stopped reading your comment because it seriously pissed me off. I hate situations like this where kids are involved with a passion. If she didn’t want to have to deal with the emperor, she should’ve aborted their kids, because now they don’t belong to just her.

    LaNansha March 1, 2021 2:53 pm
    I- Excuse me? Kids aren't property. They don't just 'belong' to him just because he is blood related. And their mother doesn't even want to be with him, yet he is actively chasing her and even kidnapping her c... Loveiswar02

    I just read the rest of what you said and I believe my points cover some of yours already. Anyway, It’s harassment if it’s just her he’s chasing. However considering THEIR kids are part of the equation, I beg to differ.

    Also regarding him executing every woman who liked him, I’ll just wait and see. Way too much about the emperor is either just said with words or seen after the fact. I have yet to see his evil with my own eyes. And don’t get me wrong, I do feel for the FMC and I get why she’s scared and running, but there’s no way that she herself doesn’t know she’s running on borrowed time.

    I would probably be unable to stand the emperor and his relentless pursuit if it was just her he ran after, but it isn’t. Also the emperor hasn’t actually changed since the story started, so I have a hard time being shocked, mad or offended by anything he does. As any emperor who’s made a name for himself through warring, he’s been nothing but hard to read, cold and commanding. His approach in her dreams shows there’s more to him, though he did screw up when he told her to come back and be his empress like he was doing her some favor without any consideration to what she wanted just because he loves her.

    With all that said, I’m just waiting to see how they’ll end up together.

    Loveiswar02 March 1, 2021 4:51 pm
    ... I really don’t get what you’re trying to say. “They don’t just belong to him because he’s blood related.” But they do???!!!! The F???!! When children are born, they belong to both their parents ... LaNansha

    "Children don't belong to someone just because they are blood related. There is a lot more to being a parent." That's it. I have no idea how you don't get that. Two people in a relationship accidentally having a child and getting knocked up while you are drunk are completely different situations. And the thing about keeping children away from their parents applies more to divorce than this situation. Back to the story, yeah she is committing treason. Why would a mother in her right mind give her children to a guy who is a cold blooded murderer unable to love anyone?! Regardless of what the truth is, he is an awful person from her point of view and sleeping with him was a mistake. She probably believes that all three of them are either going to be executed or atleast imprisoned in a castle. This woman literally abandoned her dream job and good lifestyle just to have these children despite knowing the risks. Props to her. And how the fuck would she have aborted her kids in that era?! Jumping off a building? Poisoning herself?! And even in modern times, abortion is a pretty traumatic yet necessary thing , how can you say she should have just got rid of them instead? Wtf is wrong with you?!

    Loveiswar02 March 1, 2021 4:53 pm
    I just read the rest of what you said and I believe my points cover some of yours already. Anyway, It’s harassment if it’s just her he’s chasing. However considering THEIR kids are part of the equation, I... LaNansha

    Ok, those things aside, the emperor isn't chasing her because of the kids in first place. He is chasing her because he wants her. Yet he doesn't even bother to clear up the misunderstanding that he won't harm them and try to make her fall for him. He just chases her around and makes her a publicly wanted criminal (which ruins her reputation and made sure she can't escape from him) He intrudes into her dreams and sends those shadowy assasins after her. How the hell are we even supposed to root for him when he doesn't even put an ounce of effort into being nice to the FL?! She's running for all three of their lives yet he doesn't even fix the situation? And now, he literally kidnapped the children from their own homes! Now that's a crime! Except, oh shit, he is a tyrant and everyone is his fucking doormat. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    LaNansha March 1, 2021 5:07 pm

    Yeah, halfway through your reply, I could tell that this whole conversation isn’t going to go anywhere, so I’m done here

    DripDetectorTay March 1, 2021 5:21 pm
    I just read the rest of what you said and I believe my points cover some of yours already. Anyway, It’s harassment if it’s just her he’s chasing. However considering THEIR kids are part of the equation, I... LaNansha

    He knew she was pregnant the entire time. She asked him “what would you do if a woman said she was pregnant with your child” KNOWING he got her pregnant he said he’d kill her since it wouldn’t really be his child. He’s cruel and she ran to protect herself and the children. You said you would wait and see for yourself whether he was cruel but she never got the chance too do that herself. She had to do what would be best for her children without knowing if he was really cruel as the rumors said but so far he hasn’t really shown her any reason to trust him

    Un_holy_confessions March 1, 2021 5:26 pm
    He knew she was pregnant the entire time. She asked him “what would you do if a woman said she was pregnant with your child” KNOWING he got her pregnant he said he’d kill her since it wouldn’t really be... DripDetectorTay

    I completely agree with you. I'm sorry but if the father of my kids said that I'd dip. You really wanna a person like him raising children?! Just that line alone if we were in our time period I'd be instant CPS custody if he did actually kill her!

    DripDetectorTay March 1, 2021 5:43 pm
    I completely agree with you. I'm sorry but if the father of my kids said that I'd dip. You really wanna a person like him raising children?! Just that line alone if we were in our time period I'd be instant CPS... Un_holy_confessions

    Yeah he’s a strange one for sure. I would have ran away too