OMG I remember this, the seme is a rich company president and found the uke somewhere. I think the seme was rough and mean before he met uke. The uke finds out seme did it with this other dude and threw his watch at the other guy. The watch was given to uke by seme. Sadly i forgot the title but I'll TRY to remember

While this one fits the whole description, it isn't it..Thanks so much for this though! From my memory, the seme is the whole silent, sexy type with dark hair and an amazing body. There was no secretary like in this one. The fuck buddy was also really hot, more like a seme-looking type while the uke was an uke-looking type. It was several chapters if I remember.

I don't think he was a mangaka. He seemed like a super rich person like the company CEO or something.

Also, I don't remember the seme being bad before like the manga you suggested to me. He was always the domineering, silent type.

Yup I also think that this is what you were looking for the first time I read your question. I just coundn't remember the title.

Yup I also think that this is what you were looking for the first time I read your question. I just couldn't remember the title.

YESSS! Thank you so much!!!!

Okane ga nai?
Anyone know of a yaoi manga where the seme sleeps with other people even though he loves the uke because he doesn't want to burden the uke with his strong sexual desire? The fuck buddy mocks the uke, I think, saying that he still sleeps with other people and the uke confronts the seme and says that he wants the seme to only have sex with him, that he can handle it. The seme relents and they have sex.
If it helps, the seme was bigger than the uke, I think with dark hair.