Brooo I know this isn't the right time to say stuff like this, but I panicked a bit cause I literally thought when the uke turned into his mouse form the fox guy was gonna do seggs to him. Really I've been thinking about that thing from Twitter everyday that I just confused it with this manga- T~T
Like real person or fictional story? Please tell me it's fiction onthedot
Unfortunately its not fiction, a person literally put his thing in and out a dead was no joke disgusting, you can see his thing moving inside it's body-
Unfortunately its not fiction, a person literally put his thing in and out a dead was no joke disgusting, you can see his thing moving inside it's body- LUCIAN_0617
Oh sht that is fking disgusting. That must've traumatising. Thank god i've never encountered that video
Brooo I know this isn't the right time to say stuff like this, but I panicked a bit cause I literally thought when the uke turned into his mouse form the fox guy was gonna do seggs to him. Really I've been thinking about that thing from Twitter everyday that I just confused it with this manga- T~T