
Yaoi_lover February 28, 2021 1:42 am

Tbh this story really irked my nerves. I thought it would be a fluffy like story... sweet in all between friends pushing each of their own friend to get together. In a since it was. But at the same time everyone else’s feeling made it become complicated.
I really don’t understand why everyone was on the mc ass for her not being so flushed & heart thumpin away.
This story just idk. It was a decent read... if you somehow end up on this story, go ahead and read it. It’s not bad. It’s not great. It’s ok. It seemed really good and funny in the beginning but towards idk like chapter 5 this got complicated. To sum this all up the only feeling I feel left with thinking of this story is annoyed.
(⌒▽⌒) so yea.
