I kinda think it might have actually been a misunderstanding. Like he gave her the knife with the thought of her to "hang on" as in like just try to hold out a little while so that he could find a way to get her out of the situation. Then gave her the knife to defend herself incase someone tried to hurt her. Not to kill herself ( ̄∇ ̄")

It doesn’t excuse his way of ignoring his daughter but.. He loved her a lot. Even in the first life. But bc of his attitude towards her she kept assuming and assuming shit.
No, he didn’t tell her to kill herself in the first timeline. He never even said to kill herself. He gave that knife to her to protect herself just in case. She just assumed he wanted her to kill herself. From what I heard, he had a plan. He knows the prince, so he put her in the shadow room to protect her. When he heard she killed herself, he went berserk and killed the emperor cause it seems like he planned the whole thing.

I think that in the original timeline he didn't give her a knife to kill herself (it's just how she interpreted it ) same for the crown prince ,by his surprise when she killed herslef, i can tell he was not here to kill or torture her ! If her father took her to the shadow room it's probably because he knew the crown prince would help him save his daughter (everything i said is just what i think i understood white reading (: so i could be wrong )
I don't- know if i can like the father- I mean just because shes changed in eyes doesnt excuse the fact that he told his daughter to kill her self pretty much, and had 0 trust in her