
SEUNGHO’S BITCH February 27, 2021 8:53 pm

Girl, shut the fuck up.

    Bum Bear February 27, 2021 9:02 pm

    Yeah, screw her for being concerned about her little brother. I wouldn't care if I saw my own family member going through that situation either. Yep, who is she to be worried after seeing her brother in that terrible state. No one else would think like that, that's for sure. Nope, definitely not a single person.

    SEUNGHO’S BITCH February 28, 2021 9:17 am

    Not only is she sus to me but her character is just going to add more unwanted drama. Good that she cares for Nakyum but did ever stop to think if he was also happy back to that Kisang or whatever house?? He was crying because of the abusive men there too. Ever since he was a vhild he witnessed men abuse the women there and she wants him to see that shit again? He was bullied for being poor and illiterate. She couldn’t see that Sir Inhun was a wolf in a sheep’s clothing and she was so supportive of their also toxic relationship. Why couldn’t she see that Inhun was an ass if all she ever wanted was to keep him safe? She only wants what she thinks is “okay” in her book. She wants Nakyum to follow what she thinks is right. Where ever Naykum goes there’s always fucking violence. Nakyum is already old enough to know what he wants. She should respect that. My point is that either at the Kisang or whatever house and Seungho’s place, Nakyum is going to face problems. The difference is that his relationship with Seungho is showing development (no matter how slow it maybe). If he goes back there his life will remain stagnant and pathetic. As an artist, it will break my soul if I was told to never paint again just because the paintings that I do are considered as “improper” to the sight of others. Nor being able to do what I love is the most horrible thing I could ever experience. With Seungho, Nakyum could paint again. He can pursue his passion. In some way, he was free. He may not be able to physically leave, but I so fucking assure you his heart is free.

    Bum Bear February 28, 2021 12:30 pm
    Not only is she sus to me but her character is just going to add more unwanted drama. Good that she cares for Nakyum but did ever stop to think if he was also happy back to that Kisang or whatever house?? He wa... SEUNGHO’S BITCH

    Yes, her actions may pose danger to Na Kyum in the long run, but can you actually blame her for being concerned and wanting to help him? From what I can tell, even if Na Kyum was bullied as a child he was still better treated by his Kisaeng sisters. Although later in his life, when Noona thought Na-Kyum was troubled she sent him to live with his teacher, and outside of his repression of his sexuality that also didn't appear to be as terrible as his current lifestyle. I agree Inhun is toxic, but we are comparing two toxic ass male here. Both of them are trash characters, and in fact Seungho is the more egregious of the two. An abuser/asshole is still an abuser/asshole whether he rich or not. Seungho was literally beaten, raped, and continuously abused Na-Kyum from the moment they met. When Na-Kyum refused to draw nude painting, did Seungho respect his decision? Of course not, the man ended having him waterboarded until he agreed to do what he wanted. But somehow, this isn't as bad as him living with his Kisaeng sister, who was said to adore him. Yes, Noona didn't see Inhun as toxic, because on the outside he appeared to be decent scholar. There are plenty of people who appear to be kind and turn out to be monsters, and I won't fault Noona for thinking that she sent her brother off to be with someone who could help him. Seungho is literally known to murder anyone who displeases him, partake in sodomy, and overall just abuses his noble status to do whatever he please. This is information known to the general public, and to know that your brother is in an environment where he has a higher chance of being killed, why wouldn't she try to interfere?

    Yes, you face problems anywhere you go, that's life. However, I'm not gonna sit here and say that the problems on one side is not vastly better than the problems on the other. At the beginning we, the reader, know that Na-Kyum hasn't been in any sexual relationship and his drawing were mere fantasy of his own creation. Before meeting Seungho, we can at least surmise that he hasn't been raped or sexually harrassed prior to the story. And yes Na-Kyum is old enough to make his own decision, but where have you ever see his decision respected outside of willingly sleeping with Seungho? Wanted to leave, got waterboarded instead. Wanted to help Inhun, got raped and in some cases beaten (even if Inhun is trash, it was still his decision). You can say the Noona is sus, but it clear the problems that plague him now are on a different scale to when he lived with her. But since its his sister imposing her will onto him, it's somehow worst than what we've been seeing this entire time.

    And regardless of the character development that is currently happening, it does not somehow negate the abuse and all the other shit Seungho has done to Na-Kyum throughout the story. Again, this man has almost died because of Seungho on three different occasions. I understand your point (I think) that Noona will cause problems, but as a character witnessing her brother being controlled by a noble who is known for his wild mood swings and killing those around him, I would want to get my brother out of their too. Maybe if he was treated right, fine. But he isn't. Na-Kyum couldn't even say goodbye to his sister without Seungho permission. Have your problems with the Noona all ya want, but don't make it seem like her worries and concerns are unjustified and that she's being an asshole for not wanting her brother to go through this shit.