the mangser February 27, 2021 8:02 pm

I think that Closset (or whatever her name is) actually can't see or control spirits. I think that she made it seem like that with help of a magician or illusion or something.

    simp4coolpeople February 27, 2021 10:43 pm

    thats definitely possible but then again we should think about how would the magicians know what the spirits look like and we have to think about why the author included the part about the sisters diary where they did the touch magic transfer thingy that the mc experienced idk theres a lot of sorta hints the authors gives… but its just a theory (a game theory) [i had to say it sorry] so i shouldnt be taking it too seriously lol

    Ayano39 February 28, 2021 7:03 am

    With the help of her demonic power
    The one in the body is a demon so basically ita demon power not other else.

    the mangser February 28, 2021 9:08 am
    thats definitely possible but then again we should think about how would the magicians know what the spirits look like and we have to think about why the author included the part about the sisters diary where t... simp4coolpeople

    yeah I get what you mean, maby its that oooooo I have something! WHAT IF it was actually the mc (I cant remember her name lol) who did that controlling spirits thingy and closest took advantage of it and people think it was her. But again, that's just a theory (a game theory) [had to do that one to lmao]

    the mangser February 28, 2021 9:09 am
    With the help of her demonic power The one in the body is a demon so basically ita demon power not other else. Ayano39

    YESSS i support this theory 100% lmaooo