
RiriMay February 27, 2021 5:56 pm

Joowon and Taku should have just left Haesoo to be with someone who isn't so indecisive and full of baggage. If Haesoo was a real person then everyone here would be hating on him and calling him a hoe. He got it easy cuz he's the protagonist, but he isn't anything special. Joowon and Taku are too good for him, meanwhile Haesoo needed a CAR ACCIDENT to happen in order to take some action. Weak.

    wonuyaaa February 28, 2021 2:35 am

    hey no, it's not as joowon and taku were faultless either????

    one was arrogant and cocky, and couldn't see that haesoo was struggling in their r/s for yEARS, thinking his idea to keep this relationship undefined was working just fine and haesoo would always come crawling back to him if he kept this up. he also heavily played into the unhealthy jealousy games that haesoo would try and start.

    and the other one was manipulative and well... more manipulative!! he planned to drop haesoo from the start anyway but just wanted to make him fall for him out of fun and interest in haesoo's writing, and also use haesoo's emotions for his exhibition? he also said in multiple different ways that he liked seeing haesoo sad or guilty or hurt, so he could feel wanted ugh.

    also: you have to understand that haesoo was so weak minded because his mother had been guilt tripping her for many many years, and although he loved joowon he didn't want to hurt her and he felt like a horrible person that didn't deserve love because of the things she said to him!!

    anyway in the end, the point is that they all (mainly joowon and haesoo) changed from that initial point of the story, and genuinely regretted their actions (except taku but whtv).

    RiriMay February 28, 2021 5:25 am
    hey no, it's not as joowon and taku were faultless either???? one was arrogant and cocky, and couldn't see that haesoo was struggling in their r/s for yEARS, thinking his idea to keep this relationship undefine... wonuyaaa

    Your comment was nice and informative so I will appreciate that (⌒▽⌒)