
RiriMay February 27, 2021 5:42 pm

Idgaf about Joowon and Haesoo's complicated love affair just give me Taku's side story already

    jake44250 February 27, 2021 7:18 pm


    Nahiii >////< February 27, 2021 9:59 pm

    finally, someone with a proper taste

    ArantxaGG98 February 28, 2021 1:01 am


    wonuyaaa February 28, 2021 2:35 am
    finally, someone with a proper taste Nahiii >////<

    taku stans have no taste.

    jake44250 February 28, 2021 2:42 am
    taku stans have no taste. wonuyaaa

    Elaborate please

    wonuyaaa February 28, 2021 3:33 am
    Elaborate please jake44250

    he's manipulative to start. and then he's selfish to end. He never once did anything for someone else, without an ulterior motive to ALSO benefit himself :D and he's the least developed out of the three.

    joowon: actually matures, reflects and recognizes all his faults (the faults: taking haesoo for granted, being so arrogant in his decisions to keep their r/s undefined that he missed how haesoo was suffering, not wanting responsibility for any problems their r/s may cause but still being possessive). Anyway, he clearly tried to become someone better. He realized everything he did wrong, drops all his possessiveness, and makes multiple sacrifices for haesoo's sake WITHOUT asking for haesoo to take him back. Instead he shows that he's literally willing to be anything haesoo wants him as, even a brother or friend-- even after haesoo lowkey said he's not worth loving if it means he might lose his mom, and dumps him for another guy :D Joowon literally still tried to protect HS till the end, and even loses his drama as a result.

    meanwhile haesoo: fully recognizes by the end how he mistreated joowon and regrets it all very deeply. he stops running and denying his feelings, which may seem minor to you, but it's a HUGE feat for him, considering he was guilt tripped for 7+ years by his mom and made to feel absolutely horrible for loving joowon and that he was a failure of a son for this.

    now, there's taku. he literally does not have any moment of self reflection??? he fully recognizes his own shittiness from the start, admitting he tried to guilt trip haesoo, manipulate him for his own interest and exhibition, displays haesoo's hurt emotions out of intrigue, etc... but doesn't bother to really change at all. even in the end he's like "told you im not a good person" and just seems to accept that. i understand ~love~ can make you selfish and somewhat vindictive though, so i sympathize with him to that extent. but it wont change the fact that he's underdeveloped in comparison.

    calm thyself February 28, 2021 3:40 am
    he's manipulative to start. and then he's selfish to end. He never once did anything for someone else, without an ulterior motive to ALSO benefit himself :D and he's the least developed out of the three.joowon:... wonuyaaa

    omg- ☠☠☠☠

    wonuyaaa February 28, 2021 4:07 am
    he's manipulative to start. and then he's selfish to end. He never once did anything for someone else, without an ulterior motive to ALSO benefit himself :D and he's the least developed out of the three.joowon:... wonuyaaa

    oh yeah here's the post that fully explains what i mean by "he's manipulative to start, and selfish to end". tbh with his manipulative nature, it's not as if joowon and haesoo are better to start anyway. but as the story progresses he remains the most underdeveloped to me sooo:

    and i say more here~ (the replies underneath, between me and another user @jungzi explain a bit more of why i think what i think): http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/10579920/

    if you seriously disagree with everything i said, feel free to discuss with me kk

    calm thyself February 28, 2021 4:23 am
    oh yeah here's the post that fully explains what i mean by "he's manipulative to start, and selfish to end". tbh with his manipulative nature, it's not as if joowon and haesoo are better to start anyway. but as... wonuyaaa

    just visited that one and take the time to read it. damn, someone really took the time to fully analyzed *cough*

    jake44250 February 28, 2021 4:31 am
    he's manipulative to start. and then he's selfish to end. He never once did anything for someone else, without an ulterior motive to ALSO benefit himself :D and he's the least developed out of the three.joowon:... wonuyaaa

    anyways stan taku

    calm thyself February 28, 2021 4:38 am

    anyways, stay pressed y'all

    RiriMay February 28, 2021 5:22 am

    Yall rlly out here writing essays when that brain power coulda been used for school assignments PFT

    calm thyself February 28, 2021 7:45 am
    Yall rlly out here writing essays when that brain power coulda been used for school assignments PFT RiriMay

    welp, all of us can do what we want right? it's not like expressing their opinions and stuff could affect their personal lives lol

    ashitaka February 28, 2021 1:10 pm
    he's manipulative to start. and then he's selfish to end. He never once did anything for someone else, without an ulterior motive to ALSO benefit himself :D and he's the least developed out of the three.joowon:... wonuyaaa


    tint February 28, 2021 2:43 pm
    he's manipulative to start. and then he's selfish to end. He never once did anything for someone else, without an ulterior motive to ALSO benefit himself :D and he's the least developed out of the three.joowon:... wonuyaaa

    that's a long ass reply lmao

    Nahiii >////< February 28, 2021 10:45 pm
    taku stans have no taste. wonuyaaa

    Not the 15 y.o attacking

    Nahiii >////< February 28, 2021 10:46 pm
    Yall rlly out here writing essays when that brain power coulda been used for school assignments PFT RiriMay


    wonuyaaa March 1, 2021 1:31 am
    DAMN SIS IKR? Nahiii >////<

    see this is why taku stans are pathetic.
    yall mock the other side, when they refute your nonsense with actual evidence from the story. but never once formulate coherent arguments AT ALL.

    like go on then, disprove what i said then if i'm the 15 year old child here :D if you can't, then sit down lol

    wonuyaaa March 1, 2021 1:33 am
    Yall rlly out here writing essays when that brain power coulda been used for school assignments PFT RiriMay

    yes yes my 4.0 GPA is really crying rn. my grades are doomed cause i know how to prioritize my time between college and my hobbies.

    edelric March 1, 2021 1:42 am

    in a comment thread of taku stans, only the joowonist gave actual evidence and a decent argument when asked to "elaborate".
    meanwhile the other side thinks that understanding writing makes you a 15yo.

    typical LOH things :D