
JustAnotherFujoshi February 27, 2021 5:28 pm

Wait, she died before? Have they met before? So many questions and it will take so long to achieve answers lol maybe I'll drop it for a while and then come back to read it all in one go

    kimchan February 27, 2021 5:33 pm

    they haven't met before but he found out that estrealla died before because of the 'eyes', maybe meeting each other 'eyes' made them see each other's past. like how did estrella saw the red haired kid's past and she kept saying that 'he is hungry' and how did he saw that estrella died before

    Langa is so adorable February 27, 2021 5:33 pm

    okay so spoilers
    SHe did die before and when both jugars look at each other they can see each others past memory now lets think about it how is she alive even though she died? the blue spirit saved her life but since saving her life was a taboo he had to pay the price of it and so the spirit can only appear on snow days and most of his power are shortened

    TinaM February 27, 2021 5:35 pm

    I think he just saw her memories. He said that the jeweled eyes allowed them to see each others memories so thats how she saw him eating off the floor when she fainted. I also think it could've been that the girl was almost starved fo death in her memories so thats why she looks dead.

    Yerenica <3 February 27, 2021 6:46 pm
    okay so spoilers.........SHe did die before and when both jugars look at each other they can see each others past memory now lets think about it how is she alive even though she died? the blue spirit saved her ... Langa is so adorable

    I have this weird theory when i found out that he doesn't actually have a jewel eyes. I think those jewel eyes are originally from the blue spirit. Im probably wrong but theres a possibility. Like since the blue spirit was the one who saved her, the blue spirit saw her died. The reason why the kid who got the blue jewel eyes saw her died was bcs its the blue spirit's jewel eyes who also saw her died.. Idk its probably just me..