it was consensual in the at first, its almost rape but more so an assault, he literary said be to be gentle which martin refused, said no multiple times...youre telling me you dgaf and think ohh yea he said this but didnt mean it whatever
even if there are worse stories, doesnt make this act any better why justify with a mindset others did worse so it doesnt matter
"its a yaoi what did yall expect" so just bc its yaoi i shouldn't budge when shit like this happen??

I seriously don’t understand answers like yours... you know who can tell us whether he felt he was being raped in this situation? The character. The same character who spent chapters telling his top he wasn’t interested, yet kept going back to him. What was he doing, then? Willingly getting himself raped? Is that a thing? It must be, because the same character y’all claim feels raped, concluded the previous chapter by saying he liked that rough play and wanted to do more of it.
Andy is discovering himself and what he likes. Why can some of us see that and understand it for what it is while some of you guys can’t? Is it because you’re too busy thinking of what normally constitute rape, rather than what the character is actually into? Some people like when stuff like this is done to them and they don’t need a whole conversation about it (like BDSM couples do) in order for that to be okay.
Look, look! He’s so into it that he’s now jealous at the prospect of Martin liking the red head MC.

i find martins actions wrong, i wasnt convinced if the author wanted to make that chapter where andy enjoyed it, at least put a thought bubble of his feelings not to confuse readers about the situation during the whole chapter. not trying to bring this manhwa, but just for comparison like in "Daehyun Laundry" you can clearly see what both characters think esp Suh D on what he wants. i get that this is just the beginning of this webtoon and their preferences doesnt have to be thrown out there, like you said hes discovering but at least dont make the whole chapter like that
is this one of those where 'a no is yes' type of thing bc i took his words as it is.
i guess if you dont have to talk to do things like this to make it feel more real? but if your doing bdsm w/out having conversations then how are you setting boundaries?
i dont have any issue if the author moves forward with andy's character as M. i am curious about andy's character but i'll just focus on the first couple for now
yall be saying this wasnt ‘consensual’ are we even reading the same manhwa? at the start martin said ‘are u not ready? i wont if u dont wanna’ and andy basically agreed, and this wasnt even bdsm tf this was just rough sex + if yall uncomfortable reading it just stop?? tf its a yaoi what did yall expect, nobody is forcing u to read it, dont like it? leave and stop doing the moralist my god, there are manhwas that are seriously disturbing and yall doing a fuss abt this one? ok champs