I love Tendou

Sac of ramen noodles February 27, 2021 1:38 pm

I don’t mind her at all she’s been through a lot. And some of you are annoying like do you even know what it’s like to get rejected especially by someone that you known since you were little and you’re in love with. I got rejected and I cried myself to fucking sleep. It was just like Yuu and MC’s relationship. The boy was my best friend and now we don’t even talk no more. Fuck I don’t even know him anymore it’s been years. Also it’s the fact that some of you act as if you guys are just the best person in the world with the greatest personality. Like I like the MC although sum times she’s a lil annoying but in real life if she kept trying to be your friend even though u didn’t want her to be your friend how’d u react? Kudos to you if your that kind or whateva but if I don’t want anything to do with you leave me alone. Like tendo and the MC weren’t supposed to be friends in the first place like wasn’t it Yuu that asked to be her to friends with herrip cause that’s real sucky but anyway ya’ll know Tendou’s personality because of her upbringing and terrible terrible childhood she has a mentality of I don’t need anyone and never will like she was never seekin to be friends with her in the first place or anyone for that fact. And I’m not saying she’s the best person I just love her character and honestly I do not care about the main couple anymore I want to see more of her now and how she finna handle shit. And I love her and Yuu’s friendship and also Yuu tf r u doin why has he still not told his girlfriend that the ex friend liked her and not him like that’d clear up a lot of shit.

    Prince Kara March 3, 2021 4:28 am


    LaNansha March 17, 2021 12:06 pm

    Im with you 100%!!!!!

    okays March 17, 2021 8:15 pm

    disagree but ig it's your opinion...

    MochiDonuts8 April 10, 2021 12:55 pm

    But she doesn’t have to act like shit around others and make them terrible, and the victim mentality....um

    LaNansha April 10, 2021 3:03 pm
    But she doesn’t have to act like shit around others and make them terrible, and the victim mentality....um MochiDonuts8

    What victim mentality? If there’s one character who doesn’t have it in this story, it’s Tendou. She’s what? 15? 16? Yet despite how harsh her childhood was, she remained strong and independent young woman who relies on no one but herself and the one time she attempted to make friends, it basically ended in disaster. However she didn’t crumble. She stood tall, took a path that she felt was a reflection of who she truly was inside and became a delinquent. While she allowed Tachibana back into her life, the fact remains that she’s clearly always been a person who kept others at arms length and yes, can be rude because why should she fold herself in pieces just to cater to someone else’s feelings? Some of us love her exactly for who she is and some of you guys don’t. We’re not wrong for loving these character traits of hers just like you aren’t for not liking it. I don’t see what the big deal is.

    Sac of ramen noodles April 10, 2021 6:09 pm
    What victim mentality? If there’s one character who doesn’t have it in this story, it’s Tendou. She’s what? 15? 16? Yet despite how harsh her childhood was, she remained strong and independent young wom... LaNansha

    Omg yes I feel like a lot of people really don’t realize the whole she keeps people at arms and length. Like I think people are so mad at her because of the fact that she just doesn’t want to talk or be friends with the MC even though like she really tries to be her friend. Like tendou has already stated I don’t want to be friends with you. I don’t understand what many people are missing like in real life if you didn’t want someone to have anything to do with you, you would be annoyed and that’s basically her right now. Like I feel as though people are forgetting that she basically acted this way towards Tachibana as well like hello? Also if anything if she had a victim mentality it’d be better if she did because she literally is one in my opinion. Like her childhood was literally shit. And I just don’t understand what’s so hard to comprehend like she’s not about to be buddy buddy with every single person because she never is literally like Tachibana pryed his way through and that’s why he got close to her and she doesn’t want the MC to do that and she’s literally stated that she knows she can’t be mad at the MC because Tsubasa likes her but there really isn’t anything she can do about that like she still feels a Lil jealous and u can’t blame her tf.

    LaNansha April 10, 2021 6:13 pm
    Omg yes I feel like a lot of people really don’t realize the whole she keeps people at arms and length. Like I think people are so mad at her because of the fact that she just doesn’t want to talk or be fri... Sac of ramen noodles

    I’m really glad to find such likeminded people, thanks for that

    Sac of ramen noodles April 10, 2021 6:23 pm
    I’m really glad to find such likeminded people, thanks for that LaNansha

    Npヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Like I love people and I’m not so like close minded that I feel as though everyone Has to act or be a certain way. Like everyone has different circumstances and problems and with specific type of people you just need to have a little bit of patience and understanding towards them like tendou. Like you gotta see their point of view and understand. Like it honestly baffles me that people think after everything she’s been through that she’s going to be smiley smiley like gurl. Because I’m over here just asking myself I wonder how I would’ve turned out if I was forced to have an upbringing like tendou. I’d probably be even worse, I’d probably be the biggest asshole in the world. Like Imagine not receiving any type of love especially when it’s really important when you’re a kid and then you end up liking someone but they don’t feel the same and then he literally just replies with “you’re just looking for family” which invalidates my feelings like now I feel like crying and I wouldn’t care abt nobody at that point.

    LaNansha April 10, 2021 7:11 pm
    Npヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Like I love people and I’m not so like close minded that I feel as though everyone Has to act or be a certain way. Like everyone has different circumstances and problems and with speci... Sac of ramen noodles

    Exactly! One thing I really hate is how people have this type of tunnel vision when they read stories. They’ll root for the Leads but can’t be bothered to look at the side characters like they’re individuals too. They’ll love every character that loves the leads, and those who don’t just become shitty to them. It’s like their level of understanding is so limited that they can’t be bothered to see the characters for what they are. Tendou’s behavior is super realistic; why the hell should she be nice to a person whose friendship she rejected over and over? Because she’s the FL? Makes no sense to me.

    Sac of ramen noodles April 10, 2021 7:44 pm
    Exactly! One thing I really hate is how people have this type of tunnel vision when they read stories. They’ll root for the Leads but can’t be bothered to look at the side characters like they’re individu... LaNansha

    OMG FR! Like u said it perfectly god ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    okays April 12, 2021 3:50 am
    Exactly! One thing I really hate is how people have this type of tunnel vision when they read stories. They’ll root for the Leads but can’t be bothered to look at the side characters like they’re individu... LaNansha

    not trying to argue or anything, but theirs many manga's that people Love the side characters sometimes even more than the main like you guys but she just doesn't have a likable personality, to most people judging from the comments here and its just a opinion at the end of the day. and it's not just about being nice its the reasoning behind it is a guy kinda lame to me personally... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    LaNansha April 12, 2021 8:06 am
    not trying to argue or anything, but theirs many manga's that people Love the side characters sometimes even more than the main like you guys but she just doesn't have a likable personality, to most people judg... okays

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Tendou being self-aware enough to know that she cannot be friends with the girl that her crush has/had feelings for. No one needs a repeat of the friendship that went on between Tsubasa and Ai-chan; jealousy like that can turn vicious if you cultivate it long enough. Yet to hear some of you guys, it shouldn’t be a big deal and Tendou should just welcome Tsubasa’s request for a friendship with opened arms.

    Now you’ll say she doesn’t have to be friends, but she can be polite or some other bullshxt, like we’re not already well all aware of Tendou’s true persona. Meanwhile, Tsubasa won’t hear her when she’s already rejected her multiple times, yet Tendou’s lame because she doesn’t want to entertain a friendship with her based off her personal feelings? Right. Because THAT makes sense.

    I personally love how Tendou stays true to her character because she truthfully doesn’t give a F what anyone thinks (which is something she had to learn to do the hard way), just as much as I love how Tsubasa can be both compassionate and relentless. I probably would’ve been annoyed with Tsubasa if I didn’t feel that Tendou needed someone like her in her life, but I know that if I was Tendou in that situation, I probably would’ve snapped at Tsubasa as well.

    okays April 13, 2021 2:22 am
    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Tendou being self-aware enough to know that she cannot be friends with the girl that her crush has/had feelings for. No one needs a repeat of the friendship that went on ... LaNansha

    bur their is something wrong with being that disrespectful it's distasteful for me and it's more about a respect thing with me like treat people with some decency but like I said it's all matter of opinion girl chill like oblivious u got some problem with Tsubasa personality like I have with Tendou's I think she lame... and she definitely needed someone like Tsubasa in her life I don't want to spoil anything but she really saves her in the raws than she helps her with her other relationship and she even lends her house for food and shelter honestly she a bit too nice I would never let someone who treated me like dirt... act like that I don't really care about the her upbringing there's many people iv'e met in real life that don't have the best situation but their still nice chill people but Tend honestly just crazy. It's Justifiable in some parts of the story but not all of it.

    okays April 13, 2021 2:40 am
    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Tendou being self-aware enough to know that she cannot be friends with the girl that her crush has/had feelings for. No one needs a repeat of the friendship that went on ... LaNansha

    Just two more things I have to add on cause I feel like your misunderstanding me, than I'm done, first I said being mad cause of boy is stupid reasoning to me it's like when a guy cheats on air; and the girl just fight's the girl it's dumb. Her childhood friend doesn't owe her anything I never even mention her needing to force a friendship with the main girl I honestly think Tsubasa doesn't need any more negative energy in her life. Second you think that she doesn't give a f what anyone thinks but she does and I hate how her whole character revolves around her obsessing with that guy like she was missing out on many things because of that. like honestly she just needs to learn to love herself first honestly it's sad she never learned to value herself....