don't lie, you all would be as protective as jae-in if you were in love with or admired so...

??? no February 27, 2021 1:15 pm

don't lie, you all would be as protective as jae-in if you were in love with or admired someone. it's not like she's telling sora to kill her in her sleep or anything

    pauline :D February 27, 2021 1:32 pm


    OtakuLife121 February 27, 2021 1:46 pm

    Nope, that's kinda toxic. Yeah, you can be 'protective' and you can have the desire to do what Jae In is doing, but if you let it become real actions (she's literally blackmailing Sora), then it's toxic as fuck, and also an asshole move. We can't blame anyone for having certain feelings, because most of the time we don't have control over it, but our actions are all our own responsability.

    Jae In is acting like those parents that tell their children they can't do anything besides studying, because 'it's for your own good' or 'You can't waste time for insignificant things like friendships'. She's imposing her own beliefs and opinions over Sora, as if she had the right to do it. Not everyone would do this, and if they do, then it'd be just as toxic and criticizable.

    Jah February 27, 2021 2:09 pm

    Why tf would I want to tell someone admire how to live their life because I want them to suit the image I want for them? If you do that to someone, you better be prepared for them to leave you in the future.

    gen February 27, 2021 3:07 pm

    she literally stalked them- why would I do that. Why would i boss someone around that I have no authority over? ridiculous.

    ??? no February 27, 2021 5:58 pm
    Nope, that's kinda toxic. Yeah, you can be 'protective' and you can have the desire to do what Jae In is doing, but if you let it become real actions (she's literally blackmailing Sora), then it's toxic as fuck... OtakuLife121

    Yeah but these death threats?? worse than gabi haters

    ??? no February 27, 2021 5:58 pm
    Why tf would I want to tell someone admire how to live their life because I want them to suit the image I want for them? If you do that to someone, you better be prepared for them to leave you in the future. Jah

    death threats aren't cute

    Jah February 27, 2021 6:20 pm
    death threats aren't cute ??? no

    wtf are you talking about? who even said a death threat to you because it sure wasn't me? how is saying someone will leave in the future a death threat?

    OtakuLife121 February 27, 2021 8:30 pm
    Yeah but these death threats?? worse than gabi haters ??? no

    ... Death threats? I'm seriously confused here, what??

    ??? no February 28, 2021 4:33 pm
    wtf are you talking about? who even said a death threat to you because it sure wasn't me? how is saying someone will leave in the future a death threat? Jah

    i didn't say that I was the one receiving death threats lmao what