The problem for me isn’t necessarily the age difference as long as they’re both adults...

bnhapost February 27, 2021 1:14 pm

The problem for me isn’t necessarily the age difference as long as they’re both adults bc she’s basically immortal and is like a grandma to everyone, however the whole raising Tita thing is rly off putting for me... like even if her intentions weren’t like that isn’t it still considered grooming? Imma keep reading for now cause I like the story but if she starts seeing Tita romantically imma have to drop this

    shawty February 27, 2021 7:04 pm

    so I saw spoilers from people but their whole relationship dynamic is hella weird bc shes his mother figure, but it's not grooming bc he's the one that pursues her later on and she tries resisting a lot grooming is when adults/pedos slowly manipulate the victims mind with sexual intentions. shes never even thought of him in that way. him developing feelings has nothing to do with how she's treated him bc she genuinely just wants to raise him to be a good person. I just rly dislike it bc of the fact that she raised him since he was 5. there's ethical issues concerning romantic/sexual relationships between guardians and the children they raise bc it concerns power abuse and more, but this isn't the case so while it's not morally gross, it's off-putting for sure.

    MiZea February 27, 2021 7:05 pm

    you should look up what exactly grooming or child grooming is. based on that description, it ain't that for them.