I would actually beg to differ concerning the both of you. I feel like, on her own, she needed someone to help and motivate her to do what she needed to do. She isn't completely dependent on him. After all, he wasn't the one who made her feel bad about the day she had to take the train.
Everyone needs that one person to give them the little push that they need in order to go in the right direction. Plus, she has no idea what she's doing and he's her trainer so, it's only right that she follows everything he says closely. It's in her best interest.
Sorry if this was too long. I just felt the need to support Suzi.
she's hopeless and careless about her weight. long as she depends on other people to control it, that won't work. When you're on diet, you'd feel easier when you have a diet buddy (a friend who do the same) not a "trainer". Idk know how other people response to this but this is exactly how I feel and what I'm still going on about. I'm an obese girl and I'm still struggling to control my appetite. the simple key is about "eat to live, not live to eat" I'm pretty sad when I read this manhwa because I feel related to it in a sad way. I hope this plot will turn into slow process and good realization about loving and do good to your body (▰˘◡˘▰)