Lmao, the orphan imposter boy doesnt realize the irony of calling her a 'dirty trickster' ...

WhatAWorld February 27, 2021 12:53 am

Lmao, the orphan imposter boy doesnt realize the irony of calling her a 'dirty trickster' or whatever since he's technically the one doing that XD I mean, i dont hate him - he's just a cynical kid who's been through some shit and is doing what he can to survive, which is obviously why Etty empathizes with him. Im curious, though, how Etty 'died'? Maybe the spirit brought her back to life or something? Actually, since her race is supposedly immortal or her eyes keep her alive even as she constantly starves to death? Thats both plausible and fucked up.

    Animestar411 February 27, 2021 1:43 am

    Her mom race is bot as immortal like op immortal as you think. And MC is only half and how she survive you got that answer right. And the kid is not an imposter he is 100% royal