It's not true that Minho is completely talentless. As we have seen few chapters ago he was...

Anonymous February 26, 2021 7:31 pm

It's not true that Minho is completely talentless. As we have seen few chapters ago he was finalist in the contest Doona's won.

It was stated he is from very poor family. Other characters don't work and don't care about money, they have flats, spend a lot of money on alcohol, toys etc. It looks like he didn't have any real financial support from his family and he is still paying off the loans from his students times. He wasn't broken-hearted after Doona's win only because of him losing against her but also because he desperately needed those money.

His university is corrupted af. Chapter 45 page 5.
Minho's conversation with professor:
"Professor. Not a single department or grad schools sunbea has been tenured by this university. Didn't they all work hard for you? Yet they eventually all left. All the tenured staff at this university are foreign graduates."

Ch 46: continuation of conversation with prof:
"It's not like you've been published much,nor did you do any significant research work before becoming department head. We all know you hire skillful people to make up for your own lack of abilities".

I've actually laughed a bit how connections are about being nice etc. Of course it's helpful to be nice and you can make soooome connections in that way. But in most cases you are still nobody, just kind nobody without connections. Connections are about family's ties and what you have to offer. And the most desirable thing is power and money. Minho has neither.

Of course he doesn't make his case better with his personality. He is an asshole, no one is denying that. Lol
Still he is sympathetic because he is used as a punch beg and abused all the time.

And the part about him being unrealistic. I was talking about how unrealistic is the fact all the rape, abuse didn't impact him in any way. Which is just poor writing and excuse to abuse him more.
