Um, ok, good for you? In my opinion, reducing everything to just haircolor and eyecolor is grossly oversimplifying, though. (And by that logic, Cassis would also be generic, which - also - I think he's not.) Personally, it's the way the eyes are drawn - the look, the lower eyelashes, etc., among other details, that I like about the way Dion looks, and I don't think he looks generic at all. The ML in that other story reminded me of him though, which is why I thought I'd mention this for the fellow readers from the comment section who shared my sentiment that Dion is a bit more to their taste. If you're not one of them, this comment was not addressed at you :)
By the way, just to clarify, I never meant to imply that I don't like this the way it is. For one, they're obviously both total eyecandy anyway, and the story is very unique and interesting. It just felt like a bit of a waste to me personally that the guy I found best-looking is just the brother. But, of course, not everyone has the same taste ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Sure, no problem. It just felt a bit odd to me, as the main point of my comment was the rec for people who felt the same (and that reply sort of felt as if I'd instead written something along the lines of "DAmN iT WhYYY ISnT diON tHe ML inSTEAd of CaSSis heS SO muCH hoTTeR tHAN cASSIs!!! WhYYYY?!!", so it caught me a bit off guard ;).
I suppose I did somewhat strongly underline my opinion by the "hands-down hottest" adjective, but again, that was not supposed to be the point / really only aimed at those who felt the same ^^
To anyone who is, like me, a tiny bit disappointed that the hands-down hottest guy in this (you know who I'm talking about), is not the ML but just the brother...
You might want to take a look at ''Father, I don't want to get married!". Granted, unlike this one, so far it seems like it's not overly original plotwise (more of an isekai 'classic', far less dark), but I was pleasantly surprised that the art is actually a real treat, AAAND its ML looks a lot like Dion.