I honestly dont see any problems with it. I honestly dont get why theyre so opposed to it like ya'll its not america. Its JAPAN. Its made from Japan. Japan and America is different. In Japan, its even normal for them to get with the teachers. Yeah some will oppose them but thats Japan so atleast respect that and respect how they are in Japan. Its not technically grooming bcs again, its in japan and its pretty normal there. Plus its only 7 years, my parents are 8 years apart i srsly dont see anything wrong.
My point is if u dont want to read it then dont read it. Simple as that. Why do you have to say "its grooming" or "im uncomfortable" like bro no one is telling u to read it. Let the people who actually likes this to enjoy reading it.

i get your point and you have all the rights to get mad bcs of the age difference and i understand that as well. But the thing is, this is made in JAPAN. I already said this once but japan and america is different. Their mindset is different as well. Thats why there's literally tons of mangas thats abt student x teacher relationships bcs its common in Japan. Whether you like it or not, its what ppl in Japan is okay w and we should respect that.
Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. (yes i did my research) The ML here is not doing any of those and even lets her do whatever she wants to do. If she wants to leave he'd let her do so, if she wants to do something he'd let her. Thats not grooming at all bcs hes not manipulating her or forcing her to do stuff. He even controlled himself from doing anything to her other than the kiss and he knows how dangerous it is for her to be w him but he also knows that its more dangerous for her to be out in a place she doesnt know or familiar with because he cares abt her.
Pedophelia is when a certail person wants to only have a "sexual relationship" w a younger person and when you also get in a relationship w someone younger than you bcs theyre still vulnerable (Yes i also did my research) Yeah, she's (our fl) vulnerable bcs she doesnt know much abt the world but our ml is not even forcing her to do stuff and is not forcing her to be in a relationship w him. If its someone else, they wouldve taken advantage of her already but our ml (who literally sleeps w tons of girls) chose to control himself from doing anything to her and lets her do whatever she wants bcs he cares abt her. If he just let her go in a place she doesnt know or unfamiliar with then theres a higher possibility that she could get taken advantage of. (Plus they havent even thought of getting in a relationship or some sort. Sure they kissed but its not like hes asking her to be his gf already or forcing her to be his gf already)
Again, i dont support pedophelia or grooming. I also understand how its illegal to have a relationship w a person who's 7yrs younger than u but my whole point here is that, this is japan. Not everything in US is the same as Japan, laws are different and mindset are different. I understand why ppl would be agaisnt reading this but they should know and respect the fact that this is from japan (ive said that so many times). I'm sorry if i offended you in a way or if i said anything that might be wrong. You are completely right abt everything you said, and i agree w all of it but this is just me sharing my opinion as well.
The thing is, there are ppl out there who dated someone younger than them bcs they love them truly. Not everyone who dates someone younger than them bcs they wanna take advantage of them. I have a cousin and she was 16 around that time and was dating someone around age 23. Everyone was ofc against it but theyve been dating for a long time now, even now, theyre engaged. You call someone a pedo when they only dated u for their sexual desires and for their own desires. Not bcs they love you, but bcs they lust for you. Thats pedo. But in this case (this manga) i dont think its a pedo bcs hes not using her or some sort for his sexual desires and hes not lusting for her. Hes protecting her from an unfamiliar place she doesnt know of.

"A pedophile is a person who has a sustained sexual orientation toward children, generally aged 13 or younger, Blanchard says."
> Our FL is not 13 or younger but she is still vulnerable
( https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/explaining-pedophilia )
"Pedophilia, also spelled paedophilia, also called pedophilic disorder or pedophilia disorder, in conventional usage, a psychosexual disorder, generally affecting adults, characterized by sexual interest in prepubescent children or attempts to engage in sexual acts with prepubescent children."
> Our ML does NOT have any sexual interest towards our FL
( https://www.britannica.com/topic/pedophilia )
"Pedophiles may be attracted to young boys, young girls, or both, and they may be attracted only to children or to children and adults."
"Doctors diagnose pedophilia when people feel greatly distressed or become less able to function well because of their attraction to children or when they have acted on their urges."
> Our ML is not attracted to younger ppl. Sure he might be starting to have interest towards our FL but its not like hes always attracted to minors.
> Our ML functions well even around our FL. He have self control and doesnt act on his urges.
( https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/mental-health-disorders/paraphilias-and-paraphilic-disorders/pedophilia )
there. I did my research. As long as he doesnt harm the FL, i dont think its a pedophelia.
I really don't know where the problem lies for some people. I mean hello? He's 22 and she is 15+, not that much of an age gap?! I'm from Italy and don't consider that pedo at all xD If you don't like it, don't read it