Excuse me

jamjam February 26, 2021 4:05 pm

My beloved fellow novel readers, please SHUT THE FUCK UP and stop giving MAJOR SPOILERS in the comment section. Even if they asked for it, yall could at least have given them something vague, no? (❀╹◡╹)

And new readers, please, stop asking for spoilers ESPECIALLY for this story. Y'all are ruining your own reading experience and it seriously wouldn't be the same with you knowing what would happen. That's just sad :((((

    Jiophone2 February 26, 2021 7:43 pm

    Isn't giving spoilers fine as long as they mention that its a spoiler. Pls don't force your opinion on others. If you don't want a spoiler then don't read it. Its as simple as that. I read stories in this app specifically cuz I get lots of spoilers here.

    Vizelya Ray February 27, 2021 4:52 pm

    Some people like spoiler like me. If you don’t want spoilers just ignore the comments, it’s as simple as that. :)

    arararagomeen February 27, 2021 5:10 pm

    i love spoiler too but no with ppl who always spoiler in the comment without someone asking lmao, it makes me curious and ended up regret to reading the spoiler:) i hate that kind of type.

    Fujoshi-san February 28, 2021 8:32 am


    Sans February 28, 2021 9:38 am

    You cant dictate what people want lol