It’s true that that would be the normal reaction. However, there have been instances where people don’t react normally such as those with stockholm syndrome. I think it’s because she craved for that love and affection that she became so attached to both him and the other guy in her past life. She doesn’t expect anything from him now but I think she still craves it the same since it was mentioned that she didn’t really “transfer” into the body but instead remembered her past life. So somethings are both bound to change or stay the same. But yes I agree, I’d act that way too

I get what your saying but then why doesn't that apply to Mikhail, if anything what your saying would apply the most to him. She was so deprived if love that she immediately fell for him to the point of obsession and instead of still excepting love from him, she decided to expect or still want it from the the man that caused all of this in the first place. It doesn't really make any sense.
Why in the sweet hell are there so many misunderstandings and why is the Book so fucking different from the world. The Crown prince isnt some horrible villain but a child you suffered at the hands of that coward, the emperor. The Duke isnt some monster who doesn't give a rats ass about about his daughter but actually loves her more than anything else in the world. I also really can't understand the female lead like if you think your father doesn't love you at all and even let you die, then why do you care so much. Not that I'm saying it should be this way but usually one would just ignore there father they way did to them. I mean is it because it's not her life so she isn't a hurt like if my parents had supposedly treated me that way, then I would treat them the same and not give a fuck.