
Well, the new plan is supposed to save Jihwa from SH's grief so we don't know the terms of it except that Nakyum will end up in Min's hands so he can have him. Maybe they will trick SH and make him think Jihwa tried to help or something.. I don't know. What is certain is that the author is redundant with her plot idea and it looks to me like she lost a bit of her initial track... I hope she'll fix it somehow before the end of the season (it would be a miracle to be honest)! Either way, I'll still be here!
Slight spoiler I guess
I don’t really get jihwa, he let Nakyum go because he couldn’t kill him because it’s not in his nature and he knows it wouldn’t solve anything, but is now planning on helping Min get rid of him again? Did he not realise his mistake the first time? Im so confused lol