Verloren February 26, 2021 1:08 pm

Seriously? After a month's hiatus, that's all we get?
Nothing literally happened. I'm so disappointed...

    Xo_oX February 26, 2021 1:10 pm

    Exactly. I expected the chapter to be long after a months break but it’s still as short as ever!

    Lola February 26, 2021 1:15 pm

    The author did not take a break to make the chapters longer but to create more of them so she has a little advance on the weekly schedule. Actually, the shortest the chapters, the more it means she's in a tight spot for her deadlines. I would honestly rather have an update every 10 days (3 times a month) than the current short chapters with barely any progress and a dragged story...

    Xo_oX February 26, 2021 1:20 pm
    The author did not take a break to make the chapters longer but to create more of them so she has a little advance on the weekly schedule. Actually, the shortest the chapters, the more it means she's in a tight... Lola

    Yes the author said this season is taking a lot longer than expected, well duh of course each chapter is so short with like only one interaction. Plus she takes breaks all the time. I just hope after this break she actually is on schedule like she’s supposed to be

    Lola February 26, 2021 1:37 pm
    Yes the author said this season is taking a lot longer than expected, well duh of course each chapter is so short with like only one interaction. Plus she takes breaks all the time. I just hope after this break... Xo_oX

    Easy to say not so easy to do! She's most likely already killing herself with the current schedule and all the efforts she puts in her high quality drawings. The storyline and the plot are suffering from this. She kinda lost a bit her track. I am sure she needs more than a one month break to fix this but she can't because of her assignments. If I work at Lezhin I would change the terms of the contract so she will have more time for each chapter rather than the current intense weekly schedule. It does not serve the quality of the projects. I am sure the fans will understand and at the end they will even be happy with the result.

    Xo_oX February 26, 2021 6:01 pm
    Easy to say not so easy to do! She's most likely already killing herself with the current schedule and all the efforts she puts in her high quality drawings. The storyline and the plot are suffering from this. ... Lola

    She should’ve known that getting into this job wasn’t easy and required a weekly schedule. If she couldn’t do it then she wouldn’t have applied for the job. A job is still a job and you can’t just take breaks all the time whenever you want, in the real world your boss would just fire you plain and simple. Every job is hard, but you have to keep doing what you have to do

    Lola February 26, 2021 6:44 pm
    She should’ve known that getting into this job wasn’t easy and required a weekly schedule. If she couldn’t do it then she wouldn’t have applied for the job. A job is still a job and you can’t just tak... Xo_oX

    We're not talking about a 9-5 office job here. This is art. She is an artist. There would be no art at all if artists were constrained to normal job hours. Of course it remains a job with a contract and as a professional she's doing her best to respect the terms. Yet at the end of the day, you can't sacrifice the wellness of your talented artist for the sake of a contract. POTN is the number 1 BL story on Lezhin. They are the ones who need her more than she needs them at this point. She even has 3X more followers on twitter than Lezhin page. A good manager would understand there's need for an adjustment here. Many other good BL on Lezhin have different schedule. And the most popular ones like "Legs that won't walk" went for more than a 4 months hiatus because the artist was burnout. Why reaching this point when things could be handled differently at the beginning? That being said, it could be her choice to keep posting on a weekly schedule so I don't really know! I am just a bit saddened by the decrease of the plot narrative quality over the seasons. I blame the tight weekly schedule for that but there could be other reasons...

    Xo_oX February 26, 2021 7:20 pm
    We're not talking about a 9-5 office job here. This is art. She is an artist. There would be no art at all if artists were constrained to normal job hours. Of course it remains a job with a contract and as a pr... Lola

    Welcome to the real world, every job is stressful. There is no such thing as an easy job, everybody gets stressed at some point. If anything I would say she has it easier than most us because apparently she can take a week off work however many times she wants without consequence. Most of us can’t do that or else we would be unemployed.