Please just remove the shit romance

Ilovesufferring February 26, 2021 12:00 pm

Honestly the author should just drop the romance subplot and just focus on the gore and revenge. Let's be honest here we're all here for the sweet revenge and action not for some shitty romance which intervenes in every action MC takes. The romance is not even low-key but downright annoying and is being forcibly shoved in our faces. Hasn't the MC become an unfeeling being solely powered on revenge so what is putting romance doing? not to mention the romantic interest is stupid, annoying, has no chemistry and is not even useful

    yoichiswhore February 26, 2021 1:47 pm

    right right right! the art style compliments the gore and the sense of despair a lot but with the mixture of this romance it’s just so out of place and unnecessary