Though it's just a bit of piece (lots of missing things unmentioned in the book and such), I suggest to find a deeper book if you already know quite a lot about Japan

My advice, go to a university book store. Do not get one translated from Japanese - they edit their history pretty heavily. Most uni bookstores will sell a 'general' history book for Japan.

What I can advise in french :
Those editions have good history books. This one is in two volumes, the 1st one from the Origines to 1945, and second from 1945 to our days. Pretty easy and enjoyable reads to get the main Japanese history, perfect to start ! :)
Hey guys! I know this question doesn't fit here a 100% but I was wondering if anyone could recommend me a book of japanese history? I'm beginning to get interested in that subject, so can anybody help me? English, german or even french ones would bee okay :)
thank you very much for your help! (=・ω・=)