I’m sorry you went through that but it’s not normal to lose your virginity to someone who is 20 when you’re 15. That person knew exactly what they’re doing. I don’t know how old you are know but you’re a victim here and I hope everything is fine. I’m not talking about the manga idc what happens in drawings.
I’m happy for you it’s great that you’re still together and going strong. Also great that he respects you,, but,,, I mean as a 21 year old if I ever date someone who is 15 in all honesty I deserve every punishment I’ll get. Like I’m so happy for you really but you have to understand how horrible that sounds I’m sorry. I can’t imagine a romantic let alone a sexual relationship with a literal child. I don’t know how to comprehend this sorry but you’re both adults now and it’s all good i think take care please
Okay so according to the character profile in love stage, Rei is 28 years old while Shogo is 25 years old. That's mean they have 3 years age different. In the latest manga, Rei said that he done it with Shogo when he was 18. Thats mean Shogo was 15 that time i mean like what srs??????