Lmfao read some comments back and XD Let's be real here: 1. Minho's character is UNREALIST...

Anonymous February 25, 2021 11:47 pm

Lmfao read some comments back and XD
Let's be real here:
1. Minho's character is UNREALISTIC AF. He is a poorly written punch bag author gets off on torturing who doesn't change despite the circumstances.
2. Of course he is WORTH sympathy as every rape and abuse victim is.
3. He is the only character in this webtoon who has money issues. Everyone around him doesn't ever care about money.
4. Wookyung. Minho's life was more or less stable before Doona and Wookyung entered his life again.
5. It was clearly shown the college Minho's working at is corrupted and he was working his ass for years for nothing. He won't make it without connections.
He is an asshole but everyone is an asshole in this story plus some of them are not only assholes but rapists too.

    ShonaNingyo February 26, 2021 6:01 pm

    It's not corrupt, he simply didn't endear himself to anyone he was working with because he is brusque and rude to people. Working your ass off means nothing if you're not good with people. That's how it is in the modern day work environment. Imagine if he got a job working as a publisher and he just shat on peoples' work all day instead of offered helpful and constructive criticism in a nice, diplomatic way. Not to mention it has been clearly established that he allows his own envy to get in the way of his critique. If he reads something that is very good, he will attack it because he sees it as a threat to his own work; if he reads something that is not perfect, he will tear it to shreds without offering the writer the mightest bit of advice of what they should do to improve. No one needs someone that insecure working for them in a field of arts. He would drive off potential clients to satisfy his own ego. There's a right way and a wrong way to talk to someone that is coming to you with their labor for quality critique. Minho thinks that his "unrecognized skill" should be enough to earn him the praise of his colleagues. That's not how it works and that's not how it will ever work. In a college department, if you are rude and standoffish to your students and colleagues, you will be looked down upon. It's no different from mistreating the temp or intern. That sort of behavior aggravates people. You need to have some humility and self-awareness when in a teaching position, and above all to be approachable. His elders recognize that he doesn't "get it", and that's why he is given the cold shoulder, that is why his bullshit is not being entertained or validated. He is tolerated to the barest degree. You.

    You're right, connections are everything, but you know HOW you get connections? Being a kind and helpful person certainly helps. Something Minho most definitely isn't. No one is going to recommend him because they don't like him BECAUSE he is a rude, stand-offish person. Sorry but that's how it goes. Would you recommend someone who was mean to you or to others to a friend that was looking for a new recruit? No, because people who are mean and rude shouldn't be rewarded at your expense.

    Yeah, he doesn't deserve to be raped, but he does deserve to be ignored and silently shunned. It's making him panic, and that panic is causing him to do some self-reflection.

    Like I'm sorry, but Minho should not be sympathized to the degree you're suggesting. It's his fault he is not liked by the department, no one else's.

    Lauren Silva March 7, 2021 6:29 pm
    It's not corrupt, he simply didn't endear himself to anyone he was working with because he is brusque and rude to people. Working your ass off means nothing if you're not good with people. That's how it is in t... ShonaNingyo

    People that are sympathizing for Minho proves that pretty privilege is real.

    69 Cents (A Maple Tree) March 8, 2021 5:32 am
    People that are sympathizing for Minho proves that pretty privilege is real. Lauren Silva

    its not privilege, he got raped and his life is practically crashing down. if you're an adult, you'd know how scary it can be.

    Lauren Silva March 8, 2021 9:13 am
    its not privilege, he got raped and his life is practically crashing down. if you're an adult, you'd know how scary it can be. 69 Cents (A Maple Tree)

    Yea, that's terrible and traumatizing but i can't sympathize for him because he's a terrible person.

    69 Cents (A Maple Tree) March 8, 2021 11:06 am
    Yea, that's terrible and traumatizing but i can't sympathize for him because he's a terrible person. Lauren Silva

    ah yes, being an asshole totally warrants all that hes gone through.

    Lauren Silva March 9, 2021 5:11 am
    ah yes, being an asshole totally warrants all that hes gone through. 69 Cents (A Maple Tree)

    That's right! i don't fuckin care what he's going through and i don't care that he was raped but i wouldn't tell him that. People sympathize with him because he's pretty.

    69 Cents (A Maple Tree) March 9, 2021 5:16 am
    That's right! i don't fuckin care what he's going through and i don't care that he was raped but i wouldn't tell him that. People sympathize with him because he's pretty. Lauren Silva

    no, what the fuck?? that was sarcasm. what does it matter whether hes pretty or not? boo hoo hes rude. it doesnt excuse Doona and Wookyung SEXUALLY ASSAULTING him. And if we're talking about looks, Wookyung and Doona look better. You make no sense