Okay I'm on chapter 5 and all I can say is I HATE IRENE It's just that she's too innocent...

PotatoDaMeme February 25, 2021 8:35 pm

Okay I'm on chapter 5 and all I can say is I HATE IRENE
It's just that she's too innocent and cries too easily like she seems so suspicious. Like when the older bro came to Sylvia he said Irene was crying when Sylvia did NOTHING WRONG. So yh I think she's suspicious. And tbh even if she was actually a nice person I don't like how she cries so muchhhh like WAT DOES THAT EVEN DO TRY FIX THE SITUATION DONT CRY

I don't know she just doesn't sit well with me.
Sorry for the vent lol
but overall the story is pretty good!

    MelonWarrior February 25, 2021 9:59 pm

    Chile they ain’t that bad. I myself thought it went way smoother than expected xd

    MelonWarrior February 25, 2021 10:00 pm
    Chile they ain’t that bad. I myself thought it went way smoother than expected xd MelonWarrior

    But yeah I did get a bit frustrated when she cried for no reason.

    jazzy February 26, 2021 1:59 am
    But yeah I did get a bit frustrated when she cried for no reason. MelonWarrior

    Sweetie she’s been abused basically all her life by our mc, of course her ‘sister’ is no longer her sister but still, she’s confused and scared rightly so. I was a little annoyed too at first, but she has good reason to cry.

    User 90457268 February 26, 2021 10:00 am
    But yeah I did get a bit frustrated when she cried for no reason. MelonWarrior


    PotatoDaMeme February 26, 2021 10:44 am

    okay so I've read to the latest chapter and Irene does actually seem like genuine and nice. To be honest I still don't really like her because of how much she cries but shes growing on meeee
    I think I would actually like her if she just cried less because ahh idk I just don't like it.
    Like when she started "tearing up" because Sylvia wasn't planning to walk with her that just seemed like so weird to start crying over that. And I feel like what makes it weirder is that she's a adult over 18 I think, yet she still cries over small things like that. Maybe it's because ever since she was little she's always gotten what she wanted so in the face of rejection she doesn't know how to handle it, but that just means she's not emotionally developed and I hope she grows as a characterrr

    I just don't like people who use their tears to get what they want and don't know how to deal with tough situations.
    But I've stopped hating on her as much! I think she's okay im just not enjoying the tearsss

    Drkjn February 26, 2021 11:36 am

    Lol she's not bad, upcoming sis-con

    MelonWarrior February 26, 2021 6:57 pm
    Sweetie she’s been abused basically all her life by our mc, of course her ‘sister’ is no longer her sister but still, she’s confused and scared rightly so. I was a little annoyed too at first, but she h... jazzy

    Ik that’s why I was only a BIT frustrated and was ecstatic to find that she is a genuine sister