MessyLucky February 25, 2021 6:28 pm



    Fujoshi chan February 25, 2021 6:46 pm

    Seme never acted like his bf infact it was because uke was always looking at him in a kind of romantic way that he decided to be fuck buddies with uke and he also make it very clear that it's a physical relationship and not to cross line isn't it uke who is extra clingy I know he got hurt and went through a lot but it doesn't mean that seme has to take responsibility for uke's life infact he was just a boss in the first place who decided to start this physical thing as they both were ok with it ,uke should try to move on and support himself on his own also it seems he is too desperate for a partner

    maychan February 25, 2021 6:51 pm
    Seme never acted like his bf infact it was because uke was always looking at him in a kind of romantic way that he decided to be fuck buddies with uke and he also make it very clear that it's a physical relatio... Fujoshi chan

    the way he touch him, hug him, embrace is the same has a lover not a fuck buddy. fuck buddies deos not hug like that. they not even sleeping in the same room after the sex is over ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I think you confuse on what is in fact a fuck buddy - just sex and a lover/partner

    Fujoshi chan February 25, 2021 7:01 pm
    the way he touch him, hug him, embrace is the same has a lover not a fuck buddy. fuck buddies deos not hug like that. they not even sleeping in the same room after the sex is over ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I think you... maychan

    Oh am I ? They r not only fuck buddies but also boss and subordinate so he can't just tell uke to fuck off after fucking him and also there is something called manners ,seme sure is a gentle man he treats everyone well that's why he is so kind with uke also cause he is aware that he has been through a lot but this doesn't mean that he is responsible for every thing and also he doesn't have to explain everything to uke and he clearly mentioned that there is a line that uke should not cross later I know he will fall in love with uke but for now he is being very real or may be u all just want the same old cliche trope where uke is hurt and wants to forget his ex and then he meets puppy seme who loves him like he is his world even tho they were strangers like wtf if u all want this then let me tell u it's very immature of u cause in real life things never work like that

    MessyLucky February 25, 2021 7:03 pm
    Seme never acted like his bf infact it was because uke was always looking at him in a kind of romantic way that he decided to be fuck buddies with uke and he also make it very clear that it's a physical relatio... Fujoshi chan

    The uke wont misunderstand the seme's way bcuz the seme act's like how a lover should be. In terms of being a fuck buddy, he doesn't act like one if he is really like that to the uke.

    Also, anyone will be desperate to find a partner if he/she wants to move on so much bcuz they are in too much pain that they cant take it. In uke's sake, everything are so sudden that he can't take it that's why he's looking for a way to ease his pain or to move on although in my opinion he's kind of way is not right.

    maychan February 25, 2021 7:11 pm
    Oh am I ? They r not only fuck buddies but also boss and subordinate so he can't just tell uke to fuck off after fucking him and also there is something called manners ,seme sure is a gentle man he treats every... Fujoshi chan

    even more so "subordinates" not embrace each other like lovers are after sex. and not really, the opposite, it even more weird if they just work together to stay in the fuck buddy bed. if you can't see the difference between lovers and fuck buddies, well it is your problem. but the Seme is not gentle at all to anyone, he is super mean to everyone at work, did you actually read the story?
    if he does not have to explain anything, then he have no right to ask about the uke personal life either - yet he did ask!! a lot. that also not how a fuck budy act, it more like a lover/partner acts.

    Fujoshi chan February 25, 2021 7:17 pm
    The uke wont misunderstand the seme's way bcuz the seme act's like how a lover should be. In terms of being a fuck buddy, he doesn't act like one if he is really like that to the uke.Also, anyone will be desper... MessyLucky

    Even tho he is desperate how can he expect someone else who is kinda stranger except that( formal boss and employee relation) ,to take responsibility for what he went through I think seme is already being very nice cause remember it's not him but uke who actually approached him to start physical relationship,seme is actually being very considerate towards him cause it was not his business what his employees r going through in their personal life still he reached out to uke but uke is just being too weak and pathetic like anyone would be fine if he can woo him to be his partner-_-

    maychan February 25, 2021 7:28 pm
    Even tho he is desperate how can he expect someone else who is kinda stranger except that( formal boss and employee relation) ,to take responsibility for what he went through I think seme is already being very ... Fujoshi chan

    since you don't seem to read the story, here a the part you said the "uke who actually approached him to start physical relationship" which is the opposite, the Seme was the one who come to him and wanted a physical relationship and the uke just roll with it.

    Fujoshi chan February 25, 2021 7:30 pm
    even more so "subordinates" not embrace each other like lovers are after sex. and not really, the opposite, it even more weird if they just work together to stay in the fuck buddy bed. if you can't see the diff... maychan

    He is not mean he is acting according to his position what do u expect from him ,to do everyone's work ?!! And also it was uke who was always starting at him in kinda lusty way so at first he decided to comfort him by taking to him and it seemed uke also wanted to talk about it to someone or else he could have denied it ,I don't know how could u even expect some one to be more generous but what ever if u wanna see stupid immature boisterous super sweet surreal puppy seme then guess u ain't seeing it here cause atleast for once they decided to make real and sensible character if u don't like then don't read it as simple as that

    maychan February 25, 2021 7:40 pm
    He is not mean he is acting according to his position what do u expect from him ,to do everyone's work ?!! And also it was uke who was always starting at him in kinda lusty way so at first he decided to comfort... Fujoshi chan

    the uke have any right to stare at anyone he wants, it does not make the Seme any right to be an asshole and treat him like a sex toy, giving him mix signls like they lovers only than to say "we not lovers so I don't have to tell you anything despite I ask everything about your life" that just bs! stop trying to blame the uke for the bs of the Seme, you been dumb at this point and you have no good points to argue ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    I don't want anything from the Seme, I never did, but at least he should act like how they agree on instead of sanding mix signls to the uke and act like his lover while saying later "we just sex buddies" that just bs!

    Fujoshi chan February 25, 2021 7:53 pm
    the uke have any right to stare at anyone he wants, it does not make the Seme any right to be an asshole and treat him like a sex toy, giving him mix signls like they lovers only than to say "we not lovers so I... maychan

    It seems like YOU did not read it correctly in ch 6 page 4 and 5 it was uke who was starring at seme 's ring and then he in the middle of office work asked LOVE ADVICE frome seme I don't know dumb u have to be to not to even understand these thing but uke was always in daze occasionally starring at seme and he even mention it in ch 12 that uke should keep his expressions in control cause it can cause misunderstanding and idk about u but if some one would do that to me it would make the mood extremely awkward and it was after all this when seme asked to sleep together cause it's obvious uke wanted it as well only he wasn't saying it first so this is what I meant when I mentioned that uke initiated the physical relationship and it's like he is desperately holding on to seme to get over his ex it can be seen in almost every ch but meh whatever believe whatever u want I m tired of this meaning less discussion

    maychan February 25, 2021 8:05 pm
    It seems like YOU did not read it correctly in ch 6 page 4 and 5 it was uke who was starring at seme 's ring and then he in the middle of office work asked LOVE ADVICE frome seme I don't know dumb u have to be ... Fujoshi chan

    I say this AGAIN uke have any right to watch and stare anyone he wants, however he wants, when he wants. if it bother the Seme that much, which isn't seem the case at all, the Seme can leave him alone. but it seem the Seme love the attention, since he can use his feelings for his benfits which not make him any better then a big asshole prick.
    and so what if he watch his ring, anyone would watch his ring at this point.
    and no the uke not own anything to anyone, his expressions is fine! he not have to control anything just to act like an asshole like the Seme that try to act like he does not "love" him and wants his ass so badly.
    even if the uke wants him, the Seme was the one who ask to be sex buddies first, and then acts like they lovers instead. which again is a big BS!!
    the uke actually not that "desperate" has you make him out to be, he does not even think of having anything with the Seme. the Seme was the one who always try to make moves on him, act like his lover, go with him to the hospitel (Bosses usually do not go with you to the hospital - that fucking weird! that what lovers do, again) etc etc

    Fujoshi chan February 25, 2021 8:24 pm
    I say this AGAIN uke have any right to watch and stare anyone he wants, however he wants, when he wants. if it bother the Seme that much, which isn't seem the case at all, the Seme can leave him alone. but it s... maychan

    Wait a fucking sec so according to u it's completely ok to stare at someone and make passes without permission ,if u think that it's ok to keep starring at someone with weird expression almost like they r subtly interested in other and make silent passes as if they r inviting them to notice him then it's called SILENT FLIRTING like seme also mentioned IN Ch 12 that uke at times acts too flirty and it was after this behaviour of uke that seme mentioned sleeping together so I'll say this AGAIN that it was uke who started it so if according to u it's all fine to do "subtle flirting/starring" then bruh I don't even wanna bother making u understand my point so save your breath over ur bs logic cause I ain't buying it

    Fujoshi chan February 25, 2021 8:26 pm
    Wait a fucking sec so according to u it's completely ok to stare at someone and make passes without permission ,if u think that it's ok to keep starring at someone with weird expression almost like they r subtl... Fujoshi chan

    Ch 13 pg 7 * not ch 12 ,go read it all again from ch 5 if u wanna understand what the difference between starring and flirting

    maychan February 25, 2021 9:03 pm
    Wait a fucking sec so according to u it's completely ok to stare at someone and make passes without permission ,if u think that it's ok to keep starring at someone with weird expression almost like they r subtl... Fujoshi chan

    yeas. if you don't like when people stare at you, don't look at them or ignore them. it is simple has that. from what I can say, the uke didn't give him any kind of look, he was suffering from his ex back then. but he never really consider doing anything with said Seme, it the Seme that decided the uke wanted him that way. it like saying "if you wear a skirt then you asking for rape" about women, which again is bs!
    I don't see how uke flirt with him, it mostly the Seme who did most of the flirting from the start ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Fujoshi chan February 25, 2021 9:31 pm
    yeas. if you don't like when people stare at you, don't look at them or ignore them. it is simple has that. from what I can say, the uke didn't give him any kind of look, he was suffering from his ex back then.... maychan

    look dude I don't know from which world u r from but in normal world finding someone starring at u constantly is creepy and uncomfortable as f and also about the offer if uke was not up for it as u say then he could have declined it but it seemed he was more than ok with it so there is no way u can
    compare it with "same as wear a skirt then u r asking for rape" these don't even relate the comparison itself is so ridiculous cause uke definitely gave consent for it
    I explained this over and over again but it seems like we get to square one again every time so imma drop explaining now so believe what u want and I'll do the same,PEACE!

    maychan February 25, 2021 9:36 pm
    look dude I don't know from which world u r from but in normal world finding someone starring at u constantly is creepy and uncomfortable as f and also about the offer if uke was not up for it as u say then he ... Fujoshi chan

    maybe to you, but staring is not a crime and not mean people always wants to flirt with you. if you think that anyone that dare stare at you want to flirt with you, then you the one with the problem XD

    Fujoshi chan February 25, 2021 9:40 pm
    maybe to you, but staring is not a crime and not mean people always wants to flirt with you. if you think that anyone that dare stare at you want to flirt with you, then you the one with the problem XD maychan

    Lol ur way of interpreting is so fucking funny I never same starring at someone means flirting I said that way uke in this manhwa stares at seme with that dazed weird expression it makes it seem like he is flirting and even seme mentioned it go read it first

    maychan February 25, 2021 10:59 pm
    Lol ur way of interpreting is so fucking funny I never same starring at someone means flirting I said that way uke in this manhwa stares at seme with that dazed weird expression it makes it seem like he is flir... Fujoshi chan

    but I never felt he wanted to flirt with him, it the Seme fault for interpret him this way instead of getting that he is in pain. besides his way of "helping" him is shitty and disgusting by exploiting his pain and suffering he was in that situation to have sex with him just cause he wanted to fuck him.
    besides, you should stop change the subject and admit - the Seme still a prick for sanding mix signs all the time - saying they sex buddies while the Seme act like his lover, only to run away again and say they just sex buddies when it is convenient to him, how convenient it is for the Seme to control their relationship and how disgusting.
    if you don't get it, it is your problem but it is the main issue here and not the uke. not matter how much you hate the uke, it is still the Seme fault.

    Fujoshi chan February 25, 2021 11:12 pm
    but I never felt he wanted to flirt with him, it the Seme fault for interpret him this way instead of getting that he is in pain. besides his way of "helping" him is shitty and disgusting by exploiting his pain... maychan

    Whether it's ur fault for not understanding my point or my fault for not understanding ur point I can't tell anymore bruhh drop it dude we both r too adamant on our points I already tried explaining too many times but it ain't getting across to u well whatever imma head out ur opinion is upto u and my opinion is upto me imma call it quits now

    Moemoekyun February 27, 2021 5:35 am
    Seme never acted like his bf infact it was because uke was always looking at him in a kind of romantic way that he decided to be fuck buddies with uke and he also make it very clear that it's a physical relatio... Fujoshi chan

    He randomly kisses him and hugs him outside of sex how is that not like lovers??