Brief summary of what happen next Spoiler . . . . . . . Ch 13 - Chunwoo & Taesoo have sex Ch 14 - In-ho's wet dream (of Chunwoo) Ch 15-16 - In-ho's avoiding Chunwoo Ch 17 - Chunwoo & Taesoo have sex Ch 18-19 - In-ho's realization that he likes Chunwoo (Jerking off while thinking of him) Ch 20-22 In-ho's drunk, Chunwoo took him home Ch 23 - In-ho & Chunwoo's first kiss Ch 24 - Chunwoo's avoiding In-ho Ch 25 - In-ho slipped and fall on Chunwoo and they accidentally kiss in front of everyone, including Taesoo Ch 26 - Taesoo hurt In-ho Ch 27 - Chunwoo takes care of In-ho's injury Ch 28-29 - In-ho & Chunwoo have sex Ch 30 - Aftermath of their first sex Ch 31 - Chunwoo & Taesoo's heartfelt conversation, they separated way, Chunwoo broke down and cry Ch 32-33 - Chunwoo & Taesoo's flashback when they fell in love Ch 34-35 - In-ho & Chunwoo have sex Ch 36-37 - In-ho & Chunwoo's first date Ch 38-40 - In-ho & Chunwoo have sex
Brief summary of what happen next
Ch 13 - Chunwoo & Taesoo have sex
Ch 14 - In-ho's wet dream (of Chunwoo)
Ch 15-16 - In-ho's avoiding Chunwoo
Ch 17 - Chunwoo & Taesoo have sex
Ch 18-19 - In-ho's realization that he likes Chunwoo (Jerking off while thinking of him)
Ch 20-22 In-ho's drunk, Chunwoo took him home
Ch 23 - In-ho & Chunwoo's first kiss
Ch 24 - Chunwoo's avoiding In-ho
Ch 25 - In-ho slipped and fall on Chunwoo and they accidentally kiss in front of everyone, including Taesoo
Ch 26 - Taesoo hurt In-ho
Ch 27 - Chunwoo takes care of In-ho's injury
Ch 28-29 - In-ho & Chunwoo have sex
Ch 30 - Aftermath of their first sex
Ch 31 - Chunwoo & Taesoo's heartfelt conversation, they separated way, Chunwoo broke down and cry
Ch 32-33 - Chunwoo & Taesoo's flashback when they fell in love
Ch 34-35 - In-ho & Chunwoo have sex
Ch 36-37 - In-ho & Chunwoo's first date
Ch 38-40 - In-ho & Chunwoo have sex