
caspian February 25, 2021 4:25 pm

Can yall like stop? This is the fourth time I've seen this comment section. Please grow up! Is it that difficult to just not read something that doesn't seem to be to your liking? Should I do a tutorial or some shit? Alright, when you start reading the Manga and you don't seem to like it then just go find something else that you like!! And don't just go and say that it's trash just because you hated it. A lot of people like it and you don't so just keep your opinion to your self. I hope there won't be a next time!

    Myexistenceisforshoujo February 25, 2021 4:54 pm

    The comments are for opinions what do you expect people to do....?

    Proudfujoshii February 25, 2021 10:22 pm

    I agree that mangas should not be called trash no matter how bad the story or art is. But i dont think you should recommend them to stop reading a story just because it is not to their liking. What if they continued to read a story they dont like and ended up loving it if they read it until the end? Maybe they were disappointed that it did not turn out like that. And can't really blame them on this one. It was all fluff n thingy until the locking part. That locking was unnecessary. Although, I know that was the twist. The story is good tho

    caspian February 26, 2021 12:10 am
    I agree that mangas should not be called trash no matter how bad the story or art is. But i dont think you should recommend them to stop reading a story just because it is not to their liking. What if they cont... Proudfujoshii

    Hm.. Yeah I agree with you. I apologize if I have sounded rude or done anything to upset anyone in general. The part where I said "when you start reading the Manga and you don't seem to like it then just go find something else that you like!!" was somehow what I did when a Manga wasn't to my liking. I know I didn't include that in the paragraph I wrote, I also apologize that you took it that way. There has been some times where I continued reading a Manga even though I didn't quite like it and tried to convince myself it'll get better but sometimes it did and sometimes it didn't. I agree that the locking part was not necessary. I realized my mistake now and thank you for taking your time to read!

    Proudfujoshii February 26, 2021 12:57 am
    Hm.. Yeah I agree with you. I apologize if I have sounded rude or done anything to upset anyone in general. The part where I said "when you start reading the Manga and you don't seem to like it then just go fin... caspian

    waittt just so you know, im not actually offended or something Im sorry too and thank you for understanding