any omegaverse w consent? like kiraide issate or Unmei no Kisu wa Oazuke

chlolrine February 25, 2021 3:40 pm

any omegaverse w consent? like kiraide issate or Unmei no Kisu wa Oazuke

    ✨Suujin February 25, 2021 5:42 pm
    I agree 100% that it was *dub* con. Immediately after in ch5, he said that it was consensual and that he can take responsibility for his own actions. he even took him to meet his parents and told them and megum... yforever125

    Dubcon IS sexual assault and in no way makes it consensual, because it's dubious in the first place.

    Honey I flipped this manga from cover to cover because I badly wanted to add it to my list but its clearly rape. Even the seme is aware that he is as shitty as his father who raped a female omega in heat.

    Tsugumi knows that his parents noticed what happend to him ( His parents, since the first chapter, are established as caring parents who are worried for their omega son. ( Since he doesnt want to worry them, he just said that it was consensual. And to "prove" that point, he brought the so-called man in question to their home. Also, while they were walking home, Tsugumi was clearly not fine with Megumi. Megumi asked him if it was ok that he convinced their parents that Megumi his boyfriend. Tsugumi replied that it's not ok.

    To make this long ass essay short. Tsugumi was just forced to say that it was consensual so as not to worry his parents.

    yforever125 February 25, 2021 6:15 pm
    these were the words that tsugumi said while the seme was raping himstop it alreadystop itdontstopnoi dont want thisbut what did megumi do? he continued to insert his dick and said "it's already too late for th... ✨Suujin

    Chapter 4:
    《Tsugumi, panting and desperately fighting the influence of the pheromones: It's not okay to do that... being in a situation where *None* of us are in control of ourselves. I won't do it. I don't want to do it.
    When someone is carried along by their heat... it's not only those affected by it... that will suffer a bitter experience.
    If those people have no feelings for each other... I mean... it's true that it sucks that, because of our instincts, we react to the pheromones that omegas release... but in origin.. it is supposed to be a way of tying you and your most important person together. Not something to be used as an excuse for hurting someone else.

    Tsugumi, blushing furiously and overwhelmingly moved by megumi's opinions, subsequently releasing a lot more pheromones: I think so... too

    Tsugumi, losing himself under the drugging effects of pheromones: [Eh? Suddenly... his scent became more intense... Wait... I'm begging you, please. Stop me just like before...] 》
    Followed by what you quoted

    Neither of them want to be in that situations. The both of them are being stringed along by the heat and instincts.
    In our world, it's like Both parties being roofied.

    In earlier chapters, it's explained that Both alphas and omegas have to take suppressants in order to not be stringed along by heats. It's later revealed that tsugumi doesn't take suppressants simply because of a tummy ache 《mild after effects》. In the lore of this omegaverse, it's the responsibility of both omegas and alphas to take suppressants, and tsugumi disregards that not only to avoid the stomach ache, but to string along other alphas to beat them up when they show disgusting behaviour towards him (which shows why he's confused as to why megumi persistently/naggingly shows concern for him, takes him to a safe place away from other alphas and proceeds to promise tsugumi that he would fight him fairly when his heat is over)

    Chapter 5:
    《Megumi: [There's nothing to be glad about in what happened.] I'm sorry.

    Tsugumi: Why are you apologizing? Don't. It makes me angry. I'm not gonna apologize either...

    Megumi, not victim blaming in the slightest: I'm also responsible for this.

    Tsugumi: Responsibility? I'm gonna kill you! I'll take responsibility for myself! Take care of your own!

    Megumi, feeding him birth control: I don't get what you're trying to say. At least, I'll make sure that you take this.

    Megumi, full of self-loathing: [I was so *out* of it that I didn't even use a condom. It's all *my fault*. In the end... I'm exactly the same as my father] (he hates himself for falling in the same thing his father did to his omegan mother. The important difference is, his father hates omegas and victim blamed his mother, where as megumi, took and continues to take full responsibility, and even though he too was under the influence, loathed and blamed himself only)


    Tsugumi to his parents: I haven't been hurt or anything... it was consensual. 》

    The mangaka also masterfully made THREE CHAPTERS BEFORE they even have sex to sow seeds of their growing respect and attraction for one another. To show how these characters exist on their own and what they think of the other before showing their dynamic together.

    Tsugumi has several moments of awe in response to megumi's concerned nagging, and out of denial, tsugumi convinces himself that he has to fight megumi. Which leads to having more instances where he admires megumi, further conflicting his thoughts on why he can't stop thinking of megumi and why he's so different from other alphas. Tsugumi masturbated to megumi's scent on the pencil case, and then megumi did the same when he got it back.

    After this, their relationship begins to fully flesh out. The manga unravels slowly to show how they fall into a routine together, how they rely on the other. The most recent chapters are them fully agreeing that they want to be mates, and that they'd wait until adulthood to officiate it. Tsugumi and megumi's love for tsugumi inspires him to face and stand up to his asshole father. They grow and learn together.

    The /sex/ started dubious on BOTH sides. But their attraction, respect, relationship, and how they take responsibility for their mess ups started First before anything else and showed that it was consensual and natural.

    yforever125 February 25, 2021 6:42 pm

    Megumi's no tolerance for his friends looking down on omegas:

    Tsugumi not caring about how he's knowingly and proudly bothering others:

    Tsugumi beginning to admire megumi:

    At this point I'm just going to page by page link the whole manga. Just read it properly. Starting from chapter one. In this story, it's the responsibility of both alphas and omegas to take suppressants. However, shitty alphas (as tsugumi puts it) don't bother with that in favor of hurting omegas, and, Tsugumi doesn't bother because of "willpower"= stomach aches 《*mild* side effect》. My take is, they were both under the drugging effects of pheromones, but at the end of the day, they both seriously took responsibility for it, megumi profusely so.

    At the end of the day, it's just a fictional story with fictional people.

    ✨Suujin February 25, 2021 7:07 pm
    Chapter 4:《Tsugumi, panting and desperately fighting the influence of the pheromones: It's not okay to do that... being in a situation where *None* of us are in control of ourselves. I won't do it. I don't wa... yforever125

    The 8+ paragraphs you wrote (especially the last 2) can be summarized into two words: ROMANTICIZED RAPE.

    No matter how "masterfully" depicted their attraction, respect, relationship, responsibility were build up, rape is still rape.

    Even if they have a thing going on between them, consent must still be given in every sexual encounter. Having an ongoing relationship or a history of a relationship, or in this case, they're unconsciously(?) attracted to one another, isn’t a form of consent. It just means they have a personal bond of some kind with that person. Anyway, this doesn’t dismiss the need for consent. If they don’t have their consent, any sexual contact could be considered rape or assault.

    And you also mentioned about being unable to control themselves because they were in heat/rut. To put it in a non-omegaverse perspective, let's say both of them were drunk. Being drunk is not still not excused. Both of them are responsible for their actions, even if they were drunk. If a person's mental state is completely incapacitated, then he can’t give consent. Any sexual contact could then be considered rape or assault.

    I got this from a news website to which I can't mention since my comment will be hidden.
    Sexual consent is defined as:
     • REVERSIBLE. You can change your mind at any time during the encounter.
     • SPECIFIC. Consenting to kissing does not automatically mean you consent to going any further.
     • INFORMED. If you consent to sex with a condom, but then your partner doesn't use one, that is not consent.
     • ENTHUSIASTIC. You are excited and actively want to participate in what is about to happen.
     • FREELY GIVEN. You're not pressured or making a choice under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

    Clearly, Tsugumi was not enthusiastic about having sex with Megumi. And obviously they were both under the influence of heat/rut. Therefore, it is not consensual.

    ✨Suujin February 25, 2021 7:21 pm
    Megumi's no tolerance for his friends looking down on omegas: yforever125

    I tell you, my dear, I've read this manga multiple times and I fully understand the whole story line well. I don't really see the point why you're enumerating pages that describes Megumi as a "respectful/different" alpha, though, because this trait doesn't exclude him from being a rapist. But I'm no longer going to bother with you because you clearly can't see why it has a romanticized rape dynamic. And don't @ me with this classic "its just a fictional story". While, yes, this is just a fictional story and shouldn't be taken seriously, I believe that people who are digesting such content should be educated on how to identify rape, dubious consent, sexual harassment, and such, because these things do happen in real life.

    yforever125 February 25, 2021 7:27 pm
    The 8+ paragraphs you wrote (especially the last 2) can be summarized into two words: ROMANTICIZED RAPE.No matter how "masterfully" depicted their attraction, respect, relationship, responsibility were build up... ✨Suujin

    I agree 100%. Very informative. Neither parties in the sex were consensual. I still love their relationship and how they develop before and afterwards. The big hiccup is that it was dubious.
    I hope this conversation wasn't too unpleasant for you and I'm glad we didn't insult each other like how I see many others talk to each other online. Thank you for being civil and explaining.

    And you put it beautifully here,
    《To put it in a non-omegaverse perspective, let's say both of them were drunk. Being drunk is not still not excused. Both of them are responsible for their actions, even if they were drunk. If a person's mental state is completely incapacitated, then he can’t give consent.》
    When I mentioned both being inebriated, I wanted to stress that even though they were "drunk" they both took responsibility afterwards, and I want to add now to not dismiss megumi quickly. Where other dub/noncon alphas I've read had sex with omegas, inebriated by pheromones or not, I've never seen any of them take the initiative to give the omega plan b. Most continued along with the relationship because, by BL logic, the omega was theirs now, they're in a lOvINg and CarInG relationship now so we can dismiss the first time, if you understand? We both know that airhead tsugumi wasn't taking anything xD.

    ✨Suujin February 25, 2021 7:42 pm
    I agree 100%. Very informative. Neither parties in the sex were consensual. I still love their relationship and how they develop before and afterwards. The big hiccup is that it was dubious.I hope this conversa... yforever125

    Yeah, thank you also for being civil. So far, you're one of the best people I "argued" aka exchanged my thoughts/ideals :">

    I totally understand where you are coming from because I used to be like you too. Like I mentioned before, I read this manga from cover to cover because I BADLY want to add it in my healthy omegaverse list (like looking for justifications lol) because the seme's point of view towards omegas is *chef's kiss*, but I can't :(

    And Im sorry if I offended you in any way, like my tone or choice of words.

    "We both know that airhead tsugumi wasn't taking anything xD" ---yeaaahh lol. In my understanding, he knows that he was raped but he just let it pass because he's so emotionally and mentally strong, unlike other bls where ukes get easily manipulated/swayed. He's probably just like "to hell with what happened imma just go on with my life" HAHA

    But anyway, I had a good time talking with you actually. Have a great day and blessed day!

    yforever125 February 25, 2021 8:23 pm
    Yeah, thank you also for being civil. So far, you're one of the best people I "argued" aka exchanged my thoughts/ideals :">I totally understand where you are coming from because I used to be like you too. Li... ✨Suujin

    You weren't offending At All. Very mature and explained everything concisely.

    Yhhh. Tsugumi is earnest, level headed and blunt. He doesn't and has never seen himself as someone to be pitied. It will be too long to begin how much I love this charcater type so damn much!!

    Same to you, take careヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    pinkmoth February 28, 2021 7:20 am

    oh I'm really sorry for recommending this manga, I just remember that the uke defended himself all the time so I supposed it was okay.