Also wasn’t H creeped out by his ‘father’ for acting in/saying questionably incestual (spelling?) ways as a teen? I’m pretty sure his last comment about ‘looking more and more like his mom everyday’ was the impetus for H leaving out of concern for his safety. I could have misunderstood the subtext there but that what seemed to be implied, no?

When he was younger he was scared of his dad cause his dad basically pimped his mom out. When his grandma died and he moved back in with his dad his dad was like “You look just like your mom. You’ll end up just like her. Your as thin as her. Are you sure your an alpha etc...” he was so scared of his dad he ran away and dropped out of school

Yeah, I think context is important here. It reminds me of the fact that such trauma led to H’s core belief that he would inevitably fall victim to the same fate as his mother (being nothing more than a body to commoditize for survival). This belief was so powerful that he ran away from home and dropped out of school to essentially go into a sort of hiding from his father.
I know a lot of ppl hate on H’s initial response to parenthood, but everything he did was faithful to his backstory and it would be weird if he acted otherwise. I mean consider your dad pimping out your mom, your mother abandoning you, then your father effectively threatening to pimp you out too.
The alpha identity was protective against this nightmare coming to fruition, but then the poor kid’s last line of defense (his second gender/body) betray him and he discovers this in the worst possible way: sexual assault. Not going to get into it, but that initial encounter with D was full of blurred lines and dubious consent. Then he’s assaulted AGAIN via a pimp who offered him housing. Weirdly, the guy who is still super sketchy at this point (D) ends up having a house where it is least likely that H will be further assaulted (bc even H’s best friend’s house risks assault). Also, this is his ONLY option at this point. So no wonder he’s pissed and slams the door to the guest room while prohibiting D from entering! Whether or not it’s consensual (heat?) the poor guy almost immediately becomes pregnant (while still grappling with the reality of being an omega). He does his best while still trying to maintain a semblance of autonomy over his body and life by agreeing to lend both out for this guy’s baby until birth with the condition that he bears no further responsibility afterwards. He takes advantage of D’s obscene wealth and ‘kindness’ (read: desperation) to establish a sense of control during a time when he has NONE. He tries to make the most out of his nightmare rearing it’s ugly head (selling his body but differently than his father intended). Post partum he is finally able to regain his autonomy, yet he overhears the dominant alpha and father of that child (also party who agreed to the contract) entrap him to a life he DOES NOT WANT (motherhood) because he is a slave to his own biology. Talk about betrayal.
Sorry I totally digress...further evidence for H’s father being creepy/perverted and *maybe* hinting at incest towards his son: At H’s lowest point (when he was about to have sex with that alpha after running away from D and baby) he repeatedly says to himself, “The only thing you’ll be capable of is to sell yourself just like that bitch did” (assumed to be his father’s words). The only thing that stopped that thought was vomiting. I think that belief, an abusive childhood, and society’s denigration of recessive omegas, led him to honestly conclude that he didn’t deserve better so he ran away from things that were in direct conflict with this core belief. I think it led to a lot of self sabotage that is slowly being corrected with the help of a healthy, loving family and his OG bestie.
So it will be interesting to see H confronting the source of this trauma (his shit head ‘father’) now that he has grown into a stronger, more compassionate version of himself that is no longer solely defined by his past. If he can overcome this hurdle then that would be amazing. Finally shut the door on that shit, set it on fire, and move the fuck on, H!
Omg why the fuck did I write a dissertation that no body asked for. Lmao. Absurd. Sorry!!
I re-read this chapter 3 times and so far the ukes father is an asshole i can't believe he's looking for his son right now just because he married a celebrity. I DONT KNOW WHO THE FUCK THE FATHER THINKS HE IS,BUT HE IS A MOTHERFUCKING JERK FOR COMING BACK SAYING SHIT ABOUT THE UKES MOTHER , JUST SO UKE CAN TURN HIS HATE TOWARDS HIS MOTHER.