SPOILER (KINDA)Maximilian:ch.11: I'Ve GoT tO kIlL HeR, sHe'S a NuIsAnCe, My TeAcHeR's OnLy WeAkNeSS >:((ch.13: *already in love with her*
LMAOO he goes from emotionless assassin to whipped boyfriend so damn quickly
link to the spoilers? or in other words raws? please? :)
and then in the future chapters bet he’ll be talking to the duke like “I found my weakness”
TY ive read it and maximillan is definitely already in love with her
ch.11: I'Ve GoT tO kIlL HeR, sHe'S a NuIsAnCe, My TeAcHeR's OnLy WeAkNeSS >:((
ch.13: *already in love with her*