I will be hated for this. But despite all the trauma, sexual abuse, beatings, manipulation...

Lover_Yaoi24 February 25, 2021 8:52 am

I will be hated for this. But despite all the trauma, sexual abuse, beatings, manipulation, toxicity, Stockholm syndrome and killing. I really wish Yoonbum and Sangwoo would have ended up together somehow or at least have died together.

    Grimm_berry February 25, 2021 2:03 pm

    Yes and i'm crying so much because that didn't happen. The promise "we die together" aaaahhhh

    hellohgfdsaASDFGHJKLWERTYUIODF February 25, 2021 5:49 pm
    Yes and i'm crying so much because that didn't happen. The promise "we die together" aaaahhhh Grimm_berry

    omg i cried to ┗( T﹏T )┛

    MIP712 February 25, 2021 10:55 pm

    fr fr (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    Grimm_berry February 26, 2021 7:26 am
    omg i cried to ┗( T﹏T )┛ hellohgfdsaASDFGHJKLWERTYUIODF

    I just want bum to kill that oldhag who suffocated sangwoo and then bum will go to sangwoo's house with the ash and kill him self while the ash is beside him

    HereForTheRomance February 26, 2021 1:01 pm
    I just want bum to kill that oldhag who suffocated sangwoo and then bum will go to sangwoo's house with the ash and kill him self while the ash is beside him Grimm_berry

    would've been the best ending

    hellohgfdsaASDFGHJKLWERTYUIODF March 17, 2021 6:48 am
    I just want bum to kill that oldhag who suffocated sangwoo and then bum will go to sangwoo's house with the ash and kill him self while the ash is beside him Grimm_berry
