it’s rough in the beginning literally he will try his best to please her but she just will think the absolute worse of him. she finally opens up to him and there’s a cute scene where she calls him daddy after all the painful misunderstandings are cleared up. but that’s way later in the story ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

the emperor is just trash...
He tricks our father into signing a contract that basically makes him control him. He basically ruined the relationship he had with his wife and wanted to find his weaknesses cause the emperor is a psychotic freak. That’s why he acted so cold to his daughter. When he heard she killed herself in the first TL with the knife he gave her to protect himself, he had enough and killed the emperor

I read it here https://noveltrench.com/manga/father-i-dont-want-to-get-married/ and finished the rest of it on novel updates forum

this link: https://noveltrench.com/manga/father-i-dont-want-to-get-married/ and i read more of it on novel updates
This novel is just misunderstandings after more misunderstandings. I just read the novel today and I was so frustrated ( ̄∇ ̄"). I know a lot of y’all don’t like misunderstanding troupes, your not gonna like this story. The MLs suck too. Yes including max ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍