
AKL February 25, 2021 7:16 am

Not me reading the comments before reading this manga and then changing my mind <3 I'm pretty sure many of us are aware of the fact that a lot of yaoi has rape/sexual assault in it and it has become normalized at this point and has been for years. TBH yall needa chill in the comments and just accept that people will read it regardless and have their own opinions.

    WolfiezXx February 25, 2021 7:30 am

    Saw your topic on home page. I havent read this but uhm, I totally agree. There isn't really a point in arguing over something that will probably never change. It could if like, everyone put effort into it. But a group agreeing to one thing is rare.

    __ssalo February 25, 2021 8:31 am

    Hey babes I just finished reading this, if it makes you feel any better there was character development and the seme showed resentment :)