Hmm ... I don't know if this will help, but I wasn't expecting the manga to be a series of open-ended one-shots, and the confusion was worsened by the way the first story was uploaded, mistakenly identified as an extra, which implies that there is more to it. Open endings are a tricky thing for readers to assimilate even when they are emotionally prepared. If the reader doesn't know this open end is coming, the feeling is of being left hanging indefinitely in wait for the mangaka's resolution, and there can be a backlash of resentment directed at the poor scanlator who's just translating the book as is. That was exactly what happened and it was unfair. Shinmakoku is one of the better teams out there and provides many of the best projects, so they definitely don't deserve to be criticized for a manga they didn't write.
The next thing is the series of stories, itself. Asou Kai is one of the best mangaka in the business and she rarely releases something that isn't hugely popular. It's risky of her to put something out that messes so much with the romance formula, particularly the happy and satisfying resolution, especially with the ghost story. Most people pick up an Asou Kai story expecting it to be sweet and leaving readers with a gentle, warm feeling afterwards. The summary now states what the story is about, but that was added later.
So somebody botched the upload and the summary. That was neither Shinmakoku's fault, nor Asou Kai's, but the uploader's. I don't know what sort of thinking went to it. Did this person think it would be funny to rile up readers, a sort of practical joke? If Shinmakoku is dropping the project, that definitely backfired. Or was it just clumsiness and inexperience?

Shinscans uploaded all the chapters into mangago themselves. The 2 stories are done by different translators, and thus the scanlation team work based on the speed of these said translators. If one translator is faster than the other, then the release is faster, too.
So these stories are 2 different projects, so to say. They just happen to be in the same book, and they will be released chapter by chapter. People should learn to be patient. :( Scanlators are not paid, after all.
Anyway, they will stop uploading this on MangaGo (the other projects will continue as usual) due to the hate comments the readers posted. There are so many complaints as you can see. Kiga au to iu koto wa will still be released in ShinScans personal LJ comm as private downloads for members only. ^^

Well, the extra is mislabeled, and it has given people the mistaken impression that there was more of this story to come. That needs to be changed, whether it can be done by the person who uploaded it or by the admin.
The next thing that should be handled is that the summary needs to tell readers that these are two one-shots, there is no continuation for those stories, and this was what Asou Kai intended. That may draw off some of the hate right there.
I'm sorry to hear that Shinmakoku has been upset by this. There have been an awful lot of trolls on Mangago lately, and a lot of sock-puppet accounts created for the sake of manufacturing the appearance of a consensus which doesn't exist. You could probably eliminate the comments of anyone who doesn't sign in as being trolls. The truth is, there has always been a strong core group of readers on this site who do not support censorship. The rest are probably trolls with sock-puppet accounts.

Okay ....... See, I've always understand a one-shot as being when the story is finished by the end of a single chapter. What you are describing is a manga with two, maybe more, distinct stories, each of which arc over a couple or more chapters. So, now I'm learning that neither one of them is open-ended, and neither one of them is technically a one-shot. (If there are more than a single chapter to a story, it's at least a two-parter, because the break in between chapters acts as a sort of "intermission" within the story.) Hence the confusion. Now I learn that they are multi-chaptered stories and not open-ended. So scratch everything I wrote about needing a new summary and ... well, the order of the chapters is still very confusing with the extra right at the start.
The trolls will be happy to learn they've succeeded in chasing off Shinmakoku.

1+1+1 is not an extra. As I have stated above, Kigaau and 1+1+1 each stand on its own, the only similarities lay in the author (they were created by Asou Kai) and that both are put into the same book. They are 2 separate projects done by Shinmakoku, hence which ever comes out first doesn't really matter. The readers should treat them as 2 different manga. Asou Kai sensei almost always put 2 or more different stories in one book. Kigaau and 1+1+1 were serialized in DIFFERENT magazines, published by DIFFERENT companies.

sorry but i have a question.so you guys not gonna upload the updates on this site or you'll stop upload it on every mangareading site?

but you guys not gonna banned all your future project, right?
cuz i anticipated jibun katte, your future project.
so please don't do that theres still pure souls in this site LOL
p.s it was a shame bout what happen here..hope things like this never happen again.fighting! ^^

You know, a majority of the people on these site don't even understand about scanlators. They just think fairies magically fart completed chapters out of their ass. As someone whose been on an appreciative reader for10+ years I think I'll express some of my gripes about you scanlators. The hundreds of stories never finished. Have you seen the person uploading chapters that were languishing on their computer because their group couldn't get their shit together. Again these are stories that will never be finished. Or groups like Fushichou that release twice a year stories that are over 10 years old. Fantasy Shrine may not release a lot but when they do, it's the whole volume. And don't get me started about the hoops some of you guys make us jump thru. Yes I'm talking to you. When you closed your group and made the condition that we had to write an essay on our love of yaoi. Not giving two shits how that could affect some of our lives, such as jobs looking into what you post on your social media page or friends and family. The stories and art have progressed leaps and bounds from several years ago, and the main majority read online instead of downloading because of tablets and phones. If you aren't translating for the love of it and to share your passion, then go back to your corner and go pout and suck on your thumb like Kashinosei. Yes many make shitty comments on here but that's how it is online. Scanlators and readers are different species. I've seen translators make rude comments about other's work. So grow a thicker skin and do it because you love it or just drop it and move on like all the other groups dying out.

Let's get this straight:
(1) Shinmakoku artificially chopped two completely different one-shot stories from magazines into random chapters (for the sake of alleviating some pressure on its overworked scanlators, which nobody has a problem with), and uploaded the opening fragments of two unrelated stories while still calling them "one-shots" even though they no longer are? Technically, once they are divided into chapters, even if it wasn't the mangaka's division, they are multi-chaptered stories, so why are they still labelled as one-shots?
(2) Readers, led to expect that the chapter fragments were the full story because they were mislabeled as one-shots, and led to expect that they would be reading typical soft-sell Asou Kai romances which always end happily, were left hanging at serious and unsettling plot-chasms instead? As such, I complained. I completely understand why other readers did as well. There's the source of your backlash right there.
(3) Having bungled the upload, the description summary, the general debut of these two completely unrelated stories which shouldn't even be under the same title and opening web page, and attracting this backlash from disappointed readers, Shinmakoku Scans is now pitching a first-rate hissy fit and pulling out of the mangareading sites because we are so "Ungrateful."
Well .... yeah. I haven't read any comments ever saying that readers are ungrateful for the scanlations. Far from it.
Readers are upset because the stories were (and still are) mislabeled, poorly summarized, incorrectly uploaded and left at open ended resolution points which really suck. That's a totally different matter.
In addition, because Shinmakoku reacted so poorly, readers are now pissed off because the scanlators don't even see where they caused these problems to begin with, and are throwing their egos around because of it. This puts readers in an impossible situation: act like suck-asses and join the LJ to read the rest of two stories which don't seem very promising from the place where they were dropped, or show some self-respect and drop Shinmakoku. Was this what Shinmakoku wanted all along? A bunch of insincere shit-lickers as followers?
So, the question is what are you going to do about this, Shinmakoku? You did have a nice little fan-base going here, a real one who wasn't the least bit phony about their feelings. Is that how you treat them? If you drop your anger, hurt feelings and egotism for a second, and just look at the situation, I bet you could figure out a better way to handle this.
Or not. In which case, I officially stop giving an eff.

We are not accepting new member on our LJ comm. we have stopped accepting since 2 years ago, and we will not change. No new members will be allowed. Only old members can read and download.
And speaking of sulking. LOL.
Anyway, this has always been Shinmakoku's way of handling things. We divide big chapters into smaller ones and call them "parts". We did it for So no te de and Square na Kankei. So this is not "new" or that we did it to piss off people. 1+1+1 is a long one shot, 76 pages long not counting the publisher's notes, so we cut it on page 39.
Kiga au has 3 chapters. Not parts, but chapters. You really should see the raws before you comment.

Our motto is not to scanlate for free, or even for fun. We scanlate for our community, and only those people within our circle is allowed to read. After we closed our doors 2 years ago, many people asked us to share more, since they could not read the projects and they could not join the community anymore. We decided to share through MangaFox, and lately to MangaGo. But now I think that we should go back to being a closed scanlation group. Just my thought, tho'. The team will decide later. Even if we decide to release Kiga au later on to MangaGo, it is not because of you complainers, but mostly because there are still fans of our works in here that would love to read the series. I guess you complainers will still come back and read them, even after spending time bashing our heads onto the wall... Respect, people, respect.
Shinmakoku Scanlations would stop uploading Kiga au to iu koto wa and 1+1+1 into MangaGo for the time being, considering so many people hate the stories and hate that we are very slow. ^^ So we are not uploading/updating these anymore for you. Thanks for your comments.