
ash February 25, 2021 12:30 am

i went deeper into the comments and some people are giving so much hate to Kaoru but ?? do you even understand what immediately cutting off the string after telling him would have meant for his mental state? This is not something light, it was a FATED partner. All of Kaoru's past people who left him to be with their partner,, were they evil people? No. They were just normal humans. So how can he believe that he would do the right thing by cutting of Hara's chances to be with something like predetermined destiny so easily?! He wasn't testing Hara, he was testing fate. Before this, even though Hara reassured him of his love, the situation hadn't come to what it came in the past with him for his lovers. So how should he know whether that love will hold up in face of the fated person appearing?! Plus its easier to be in Haras place and say something like ‘Cut them off’ but to carry the burden of making that decision and cutting it off by your hand is something so much tougher. You're taking a chance at happiness from someone you love so much. Will it feel easy to do? I'm so insecure so I felt even sad when Kaoru progressed and did it because I wished he wouldn't have had to take that burden on his head. But wow, wow some people are hating on him because he didn't want to be the one to take Haras fated person away from him. And he even saw Aratos story where the string kept connecting and fated people really do fall in love. He's had nothing but that around him. How can you hate on him? I feel really crushed that such sentiment exists. I just think he's so so brave. And lovely. Sorry this got long.

    leviathan February 25, 2021 5:52 pm


    Arem February 26, 2021 7:15 pm

    Louder (2)
    Kaoru is brave. I mean, it's fate we're talking about here.

    bunonymous February 26, 2021 9:48 pm


    Mei February 27, 2021 1:56 am


    I can’t agree more with you

    Lazysloth March 3, 2021 5:16 am


    Lil bitch March 5, 2021 8:35 am

    The fact that he was ready to sacrifice his happiness for his partners SECURED happy ending is just sad

    aerslevdi March 6, 2021 7:44 pm

    No. Just no. I could understand Kaeru's insecurity up to a point. Then he started deciding for Hara. Disregarding his choices becaus of his insecurities. It wasn't for Hara's happiness. It's even said BY KAERU that the red string is guarantee of nothing. That he cuts them in case of abusive relationships. Maybe he was testing destiny as you said, but he was using Hara as a tool for that. So either way is not good. Kaeru was selfish to an extreme. The choices he made were for himself not for Hara

    Aeinn March 7, 2021 5:15 pm
    No. Just no. I could understand Kaeru's insecurity up to a point. Then he started deciding for Hara. Disregarding his choices becaus of his insecurities. It wasn't for Hara's happiness. It's even said BY KAERU ... aerslevdi

    How can u said kaoru is selfish when Hara was also the selfish one ,it's easy to ask kaoru to 'cut the string' but responsibility he had put on kaoru,, yes yes Hara loveeeess him,we all know tht, but kaoru with his ability to SEE the string while Hara unable to and his past experiences which Hara knows it., I'm not blaming Hara alright,just to point out that we should not invalid someone insecurities,,kaoru has his reasons As he saw in Arato'd case where the string

    Aeinn March 7, 2021 5:24 pm
    How can u said kaoru is selfish when Hara was also the selfish one ,it's easy to ask kaoru to 'cut the string' but responsibility he had put on kaoru,, yes yes Hara loveeeess him,we all know tht, but kaoru wit... Aeinn

    ..Kept reconnecting.what if one day Hara's string also keep reconnecting and who's the one get the most affected?? Yes, It's Kaoru bc Hara cannot see it. Can you imagine how much he'll suffer? Yeah, Kaoru was selfish when he wanted Hara to love him even tho he didn't cut the string, he didn't even try once, so he's selfish at that part but with valid reason. Even Hara never blame kaoru for his insecurities bc he understands it

    Mitsuyuu March 7, 2021 7:14 pm
    ..Kept reconnecting.what if one day Hara's string also keep reconnecting and who's the one get the most affected?? Yes, It's Kaoru bc Hara cannot see it. Can you imagine how much he'll suffer? Yeah, Kaoru was s... Aeinn

    Thank you.

    aerslevdi March 7, 2021 8:42 pm
    ..Kept reconnecting.what if one day Hara's string also keep reconnecting and who's the one get the most affected?? Yes, It's Kaoru bc Hara cannot see it. Can you imagine how much he'll suffer? Yeah, Kaoru was s... Aeinn

    It reconnected because of their feelings FOR EACH OTHER. Feelings that were already there. Again, the thread is like a guide. As Hara had not developed any feelings towards her he would have been fine. Yes, it's true that the burden might be on Kaeru who's cutting the string. But it is Hara's decision. It is his life. And it is his responsibility. And Kaeru denied all that. He stripped Hara of his right to chose over his own life. Insecurities are not easy to get rid of. They may even come back. But they are not an excuse to hurt others. When our insecurities hurt another person we should own up to it or at least make a fucking attempt for that not to happen.

    ash March 7, 2021 11:30 pm
    It reconnected because of their feelings FOR EACH OTHER. Feelings that were already there. Again, the thread is like a guide. As Hara had not developed any feelings towards her he would have been fine. Yes, it'... aerslevdi

    Please stop arguing under my comment. Kaoru wasn't ever “extremely” selfish as you've said but he did have insecurities. In the past his relationships abandoned him once their thread showed up, he was only waiting to see if he'd be abandoned by Hara as well, now that his thread showed up. Before this, he had no way to confirm that Hara would be different from other people. His insecurity was valid. He never let Hara go or push him towards his fated person or do anything active. Hara was independent to make all his choices. Once he did realise and see that Hara would not abandon him, he strengthened his heart, cut off the string (a decision that can come to bite him back anytime in the future too if they fall apart) and promised to believe him. He did overcome his insecurities. He was a wonderfully written character. And if you do have to hate on him, please start a separate thread. Mine was one appreciating him from my perspective. Plus the strings he did cut were after people realised that the person was not good for them, not before, as Hara asked him to do. Kaoru took a serious burden on his head, for his entire life as he'd have to cut Hara's strings multiple times (not this one reappearing, but new ones too) and he made up his heart to do so.

    晕生 Yun Sheng April 28, 2021 7:34 am
    It reconnected because of their feelings FOR EACH OTHER. Feelings that were already there. Again, the thread is like a guide. As Hara had not developed any feelings towards her he would have been fine. Yes, it'... aerslevdi

    I want to argue but I better keep my mouth shut.
    Well, just put yourself in Kaero's shoes and try to see things in his perspective. It may let you, at least, understand his situation. If not, then I have no more comments ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍